Just a little heads up

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Au: sorry, but this isn't another chapter. This is just a little bit of an update on the story's future, and other things.

I have decided that when I am comfortable enough, with my skills as a writer, I will redo the entire story in the places that it will need to be done. That's basically all I wanted to say about the story. Now, onto the people that have read it. I want to simply say thank you. Thank you for continuing to read this story, even though it's pretty crap and my first ever one. And thanks a ton for 200 reads, really it's absolutely insane to me that this story has been read that much. So from the bottom of my heart thank you. Now, onto some other news, I am thinking of creating an original story. So any kind of support on this idea would be great. And yeah, that's basically all I had to say, and I'll catch up with you on the next chapter. Take care.


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