The talk about UA

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[??? Pov]

???: my lord we have found the location of the remaining saiyans.

???: very well the, tell where they are.

???: yes my lord.there are on planet 877, also known as earth.he said while reading it from a paper like scroll.

???: very well then, you can continue with your work now.

???: thank you my lord.

???: oh I forgot to tell something.

???: what is it my lord.

As soon as he said that the mysterious figure shot a what looked like a beam of energy towards him.

???:w-why lord.....frieza. As he said the final word with his final breath.As his lifeless body fell to the ground.

Frieza:damn those monkeys! I taught I incinerated them all to hell! As he smacked his tail to the ground in frustration.

Frieza: very well then when the time comes I'll come  to their little planet "earth"and exterminate them with my own bare he said angrily

Meanwhile with goku and co.

[Goku's pov]

I was walking with izuku talking about what happened yesterday. When all of a sudden when we were going to school we heard an explosion.

Izuku:what was that!?

Goku:want to check it out?

Izuku: yeah sure!

As we walked closer to where the explosion occurred, we saw a huge villain and he caused a lot of commotion around we walked into the crowd of people around the villain, I saw deku getting out of his bag his book about heroes and a pen.

Goku:you sure are a geeky guy izuku. I said with a little smile on my face.

Izuku: o-oh this,this is just for the future.i may never know whenever I'll need this.he said it while looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact.

Goku: whatever you say Midoriya.

A few minutes have passed and all of a sudden a gigantic lady came out of nowhere and kicked the villain to the ground.After all of that we came to school and I taught to school sucks. I wish there was another way to get into UA.also, me izuku and katsuki were in the same class. while vegeta was in another one near us.then the teacher started speaking.

[No POV]

Teacher:so as third year students I think it's time for you to think about your future careers.i could pass you career aptitude tests.but.while grabbing the tests. Why bother i know you all want to become future heroes.while throwing the tests in the air.and everyone showed off their quirks.

Katsuki:hey teach don't let me in with bunch of losers.i'm the real deal,but these guys will be lucky if they'll be sidekicks to some busted d lister.he said that while letting out a small laugh.

The class besides goku and izuku: you think your better than us katsuki. They said angrily while looking at katsuki.

Katsuki: come on then! I'll send you all to hell!

Teacher:you really do have impressive test results.maybe you will get into UA high.

Student: he's going to try to enter to UA high?

Student 2: that place has a 0.2 acceptance rate!

Katsuki:that's why that place is worthy to me. Jumps on desk. I ace all the tests.i and 3 other students in this entire crappy school  stand a chance of getting into UA. And I will become the strongest and the richest hero in the world.

Teacher: oh yeah goku and Midoriya don't you want to go to UA too.

Everyone in the class except bakugo started to laugh at the two.

Student: you two want to go to UA, you don't even have a quirk!

Student 2:yeah you two won't stand a chance in the exams.

Goku in mind: we didn't want to show anyone our "quirks" Because we taught people will start to get suspicious about us. Also i didn't care that people laughed at me, but then I noticed that izuku got upset about this, and it ticked me off.

Goku: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL LAUGHING AT!? i started to scream while standing up.

Everyone stoped laughing.

Goku: I mean look at you! I pointed at a kid who could extend his eyeballs. what are you gonna do with your quirk!? Beat villains with  your eyeballs!? And you don't get me started about you!? Your quirk is literally the ability to grow your nose!?

Everyone turned away from us. Some even got a little bit scared.

Teacher: okay okay, everyone calm down.

[Goku's pov]

After that, the day continued normally.when the school ended we were about to leave class, when bakugo came to me and izuku.

Katsuki: you better get excepted into UA after giving everyone your thoughts on them goku.

Goku: you can count on me! While I gave him a thumbs up.

Katsuki: you too Midoriya.

Izuku:I'll do my best. He said with a determined face.

Katsuki:very well then I'll see you guys later.

[Izuku's pov]

As we left school I taught that goku will go on his own way home,but he told me that he will escort me to my home which was very nice of him.we then ended up in a tunnel that I always go through to go to my house. suddenly we heard strange noises that came from from behind us,it looked like a goo monster it then went to attack us but we both dodged.then the goo monster started speaking.

Goo monster: you two have sharp reflexes I'll give you that. But it won't save you against me.he said that with a nasty looking grin.

I decided to attack the monster but to no avail.i then jumped back and goku told me.

Goku:I'll handle this izuku, stay back.


I take a stand back and watch goku do the rest.

Goo monster:if you think your punches are going to do something to me. then you're terribly mistaken.

Goku:oh really.he said with a grin on his face.

I then see goku riling his punch behind him and then he lets out a scream.punching the air sending shockwaves towards the villain.


Goo monster:WHAT THE HELL IS THIS POWER!? I can't...hold myself...together!

As the villain exploded into pieces, I stood there in shock with my mouth open.

Izuku:WOW! Goku since when could you do that!? I told him with a fan boyish face.

Goku:I always had this kind of power.

Izuku:so that means you were holding back all those years!?

Izuku:you sure are something goku!

Goku:why thank you Midoriya. He said with a cheeky grin.

We then heard something in the tunnel again.something came out of the manhole

Goku:stay behind me Midoriya! I can't tell who is that!


???: don't worry citizens because I am here!

Izuku/goku: is that....

A/N:thank you for reading this chapter and for your time.have a great day.

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