Chapter Ten

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Brianna's POV

June 30, One month before

For the past one week, everything has been normal. I got a social life and stopped locking myself up since that caused... unfortunate events.

As for Luke and I, well, we're in good terms. He has been checking on me every now and then. He has been texting me to make sure I'm okay.

Last week, he actually took me to a fancy restaurant as a "friendly dinner".


It was almost 5pm when Luke texted me.

Luke- Hey... You okay?

Me- Yeah. Thanks for asking.

Luke- Would you like to...

Me- What?

Luke- Um, see, there's this nice fancy French restaurant near our hotel and I would want to take you there?

Me- Uh, sure. What time?

Luke- Any time you're available

Me- Pick me up at 8?

Luke- Sure.

Me- Dress code?

Luke- Wear something fancy ;)

Since I needed help from the fashion department, I asked Marissa to come over again.

In five minutes, she was here.

"So," she said, scanning my closet for anything nice. "Let's see what you have here..."

I scoffed. "I don't own any fancy dresses."

After searching for anything fancy, she finally gave up.

"We have to go to the mall," she announced.

In twenty minutes, we were at the dress shop.

Marissa scanned the racks while I sat in the comfy chair, reading The Game Of Thrones.

After some while, she walked up to me with two dresses on on hand and three on the other.

"Try these on?" she asked.

I grunted unladylike-ly and dragged my feet to the dressing room.

I first tried on a sparkly silver dress and went out to hear Marissa's opinion.

"Too flashy," she said.

Then I tried on a plain white, knee-length dress and exited again.

"Too plain."

Next was a bright red dress, so tight, I couldn't breathe.

"Too tight.'"

Then a purple dress that fell below my knees and it was a bit loose around the waist.

"Too loose."

Slightly annoyed, I tried on the last dress. It was a lacy black long-sleeved dress that reached right above my knees.

When Marissa saw me, she smiled widely and nodded. "It's perfect."

"Really?" I asked, in hope of a change of mind. "I think it's too showy."

"No, no," she insisted. "It's perfect."

So she paid for the dress, even though I insisted that I pay.

When we got home, Marissa did my hair and makeup.

She tied my hair half-up and half-down then did my makeup. I slipped on my dress and black flats.

After, half an hour, I was facing the full-length mirror.

Marissa squealed so loud, it actually hurt my ears. "You look perfect!"

Then the doorbell rang.

Marissa's eyes widened. "He's here!"

I started down the stairs then opened the door.

"Oh... Wow," was the first thing Luke said to me when he saw me. He was wearing a button-down shirt, a black coat and slacks.

"Stop staring," I snapped.

He led me to the car and we drove off to the fancy restaurant called, "Le Coure Vevoir".

It was nice. The food was excellent. They had fancy looking chandeliers and other stuff.

We were driving home when he asked, "Bri, what's your ideal first kiss like?"

"Umm... Well, uh... Promise you won't laugh," I said.

"I promise."

"Well, as cliché it sounds, I would like my first kiss to be in the rain."

"Well," he said. "I don't think that's funny at all. Actually, I think that would be quite nice."


That's when things were normal. That's when he curse hadn't worked its magic yet. That's when Luke hadn't got in a car crash yet.

Luke's POV

I was driving to Brianna's when it happened.

I was doing my usual routine- checking on Brianna to make sure she's... well, sane.

I slammed the brakes right in the middle of the intersection to let a stray dog cross.

Then, there it was. I heard the sound of loud horns beeping. The sound of metal crushing metal. The sound of glass shattering to pieces.

I was thrown sideways then back to my seat, unable to move. My head hurt unbearably. Red liquid spilled. I could hear screaming people and sirens.

My sight blurred then gradually whitened. All the sounds around me began to fade. Then all I could hear was my heart beat. Thu-thump thu-thump thu-thump. Then silence. Absolute silence.

(A/N): See? I told you guys something would happen here! Anyways, I know the dress fitting part was boring. And the text conversations. Next chapter's a but short. Just a warning. Yeah.............................................................................................................................................................................................🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪

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