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"Just do it."

Huening Kai took a deeep breathe, before making a quick turn as he moved closer to the boy he loved for years, but soon, had a change of mind as he moved back towards his group of friends. "Nope. I can't do it."

Taehyun groaned. "If you truly love him, you wouldn't lose this opportunity to confess."

"Easy for you to say. Also, that came ironically from a person who is asexual like you."

Taehyun just shrugged at his remarks.

Huening Kai suddenly felt a sense of confidence. "Alright. I'll do it." He sighed as he as a smile made its way to his face. "Wish me luck."

Huening Kai turned around, to his luck, he was still there. He started to approach him. He felt nervous but excited at the same time, he can't help this overwhelming feeling that he feels inside of him. He had been keeping it for a very long time, yet never knew how to tell him.

Behind him, Huening Kai stood, trying to prepare himself for what's to come. He tapped the shoulder of the boy. "Y-yeonjun?"

The said boy turned to look at Huening Kai. "Oh. Kai. Didn't see you there. What's up?"

"W-well. As you've noticed, I bought this flowers for you." Huening Kai said handing him the flowers that he held in between his hands.

Yeonjun gave it a confused look, but accepted it, either way. "What's this for?" Yeonjun chuckled.

"Well, I guess there's no turning back now." Huening Kai looked to his friends that gave him a thumbs up. "Yeonjun. I can't help but to feel this feelings that keeps on telling me how much of a thief you are for stealing my heart. In other words, I like you." Huening Kai felt a relief blanket over him. He had finally said, for a very long time, the things that he wanted to say, but always seemed to lose his chances.

Yeonjun smirked. "You... like me?" Yeonjun asked, cocking his head to the side.

Huening Kai blushed, his head hung low as he nodded.

"Well.." Yeonjun moved closer to Huening Kai's ears, whispering some words to his ears that made him blush an even more deeper red. Yeonjun patted the back of Huening Kai. "See ya'."

"Y-you, too." Huening Kai stuttered out.

Huening Kai moved back to his friends.


Huening Kai slowly lifted his head, as a smile slowly made its way to his face. Huening Kai squealed, that if anyone had heard can hurt their eardrums, and his friends following.

"He told me to come by his house later. I can't wait." Huening Kai screamed out.

"Well, what are wasting are time for? Let's get you ready."

They all went to their destination, Huening Kai's house.

As much as how excited the author is, hate to break it, but I have a bad feeling about this.


Later that night, around 6:00pm, Huening Kai was done and ready to go.

"Remember, Kai. Be back at 10. We don't want your parents getting worried about you."

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