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Soobin had his index and thumb holding on to his chin as he made a questioning look. They were back at the classroom with Soobin overthinking about something.

"Hey, Huening Kai?"

Huening Kai immediately turned to look at him. "Yeap:3?"

"Tsk. There's something about this 'Jinsol' that makes me feel uneasy." Soobin said, cocking his head to the side.

"How so?" Huening Kai said, laying his head on his arms, that rested on the top of his desk, while looking at Soobin.

"I don't know. Its just... a feeling." Soobin said.

"Well, she is a part of the school's band, LOONA."

"Oh. She is?"

"Yeah." Huening Kai replied, yawning a bit. "She is the band's main rapper and lead vocalist." He said.

Soobin hummed in reply. "Tsk." Soobin tisks.

Huening Kai yawned once again. "I'm so sleepy."

"Lay here." Soobin said patting his shoulder as if to tell Huening Kai that it is fine for him

"No, thanks. I'm good." Huening Kai Replied as he continued to close his eyes and drift off to sleep.

Soobin did the same as Huening Kai. He rested his arms on the desk, laying his head on top of it, watching Huening Kai sleep.

Soobin smiled. He never noticed the beautiful features that was present on Huening Kai's face when they talk face to face. But, now, with their faces closer to each other, every features seemed to look more clearer.

"Kai." He called out putting aside some hair that was hanging, covering his eyes. "Kai~" He sang.

Huening Kai, upon hearing his name, he giggled, his eyes still closed. "I love you, too."

Soobin was taken aback at what the younger had said.

'Is he still asleep?'

But, he used this as an opportunity to make fun of Huening Kai. He pulled out his phone and took a video of the younger. "Kai~ What was that, again?"

"I love you." Huening Kai replied in a groggy voice.

Soobin chuckled to himself, cutting the video, knowing that it was the perfect content.

"Kai! WAKE UP!"

Huening Kai immediately stood up from his seat, still half awake, his hair in every direction. "Wha-What?"

Soobin laughed. "You look funny." Soobin said as he took a picture of Huening Kai with his disheveled hair.

"Yah." Huening Kai said as he fixed his hair.

Suddenly, Huening Kai heard his voice. "Where's that?"

'I love you.'

Soobin showed him the video. "This?"

Huening Kai watched at what he was showing and immediately-


I wasn't still done narrating. Anyways,

Huening Kai reached for the phone as Soobin held it up high, putting a hand on Huening Kai's head to stop him.

"Choi Soobin."

Soobin could only laugh at him. "You want it? Come and get it."

Huening Kai slapped him on the arm, giving him a glare.

"Aw~ You look cute when you try to be scary." Soobin cooed.

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are."


"Hmph." Huening Kai crossed his arms in pure annoyance. "Meanie."

"See? You're cute." Soobin complimented, putting his phone back in his pocket.

Huening Kai's eyes followed the direction of the phone. When Soobin's hand no longer hels the phone, he dug his hands in Soobin's pants, trying to retrieve the phone, but, got stopped by Soobin.

"Hey, baby. If you want it, I'll give it to you, but not at a place like this." Soobin said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"BABY?! What?! S-" Huening Kai shouted but Soobin covers his mouth.

"Sh! You're so loud, jeez." Soobin said, blushing in embarrassment as he earned stares from other pupils.

"Yah! Choi Soobin."

They turned their heads to the direction of the voice.

"Taehyun!" Huening Kai said, but the hands that covered his mouth made it sound muffled.

"Take your hands off his mouth. He's trying to talk." Taehyun crossed his arms, staring coldly at Soobin.

"Oh, sorry." Soobin apologized.

"Hyunie! Thanks!" Huening Kai said with his hands in the air.

"Are you both done eating each others faces?"

"What?! No! Ew! Blegh!"

Soobin looked at Huening Kai looking a bit of offended. "How dare you."

"Anyways, class is about to start. Now, can you please move away? I'm his seat partner." Taehyun said, telling Soobin off.

"Oh. Okay, then." Soobin did as he was told.

Taehyun sat at the vacant seat, that once was occupied by Soobin.

Huening Kai pouted his lip, as his eyes followed the direction of where Soobin moved, feeling bad for him. "Hey, don't you think you were a bit too harsh on him? He clearly just came to this school's facility."

"Seriously, Hyuka? Are you going to let another person play with your heart, again? As a friend, I won't let that happen. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt again." Taehyun said with concern in his voice.

"But, he's fun to be with once you get to him, he has just an annoying personality, mainly because of his narcissism." Huening Kai said.

Taehyun sighed. "See? You're already head over heels for him."

"Hyunie-ah. Do you seriously think I am person who literally falls inlove with anyone at any place? That's so selfish of you."

"Hyuka." Taehyun sighed once again, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Its not like that. I just... it just hurts for us to see you get hurt in the end and it makes our heart ache to see you sad and weary. I hope you understand, Hyuka."

Huening Kai just nodded. "I understand." He looked in front of him only to see Soobin flirting with another girl. "Geez. Get some space." Huening Kai muttered under his voice. He saw how Soobin smiled widely as the girl blushed madly by his words.

Why did his heart ache at the scene? Why does he want to pounce at the girl and tackle her down to the floor, beat the fuck out of her until she looked like nothing but shit, pluck every strands of her hair until there are none left but her scalp exposed, hairless?

Huening Kai's lips twitched in annoyance. "Burns my eyes." His eyebrows knitting together. Huening Kai huffs, crossing his arms afterwards.

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