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The day, unkowingly, went by quickly and Huening Kai had to restrain himself from shouting at the two people in frony of him.

He groans to himself and stood up, grabbing his bag with him as he left the classroom. "So sickening."

"Hyuka! Where are you going?"

"Somewhere far from there?"

Taehyun just looked at him in confusion, as he disappeared from his sight. He was startled when he saw Soobin shuffle around, putting his things back to his bag.

"Kai! Wait!" He shouted and chased after Huening Kai.

Upon hearing his name, he groaned. "What?"

Soobin chuckled as he went nearer to Huening Kai. "I just.. well.. I know it has been just a week since we've met, but, I want to tell you something." Soobin went down on his knees. "Will you please go outbon a date with me?"

Huening Kai was speechless, he looked around him seeing how he grabbed the attention of the other students. Huening Kai looked back down at Soobin. "Soobin. Stop, whatever you're doing. Its not funny and please stand up, I don't like being the center of attraction."

"Why? Isn't this enough? Isn't my love enough? Isn-"

"Cut the act, Choi Soobin." Huening Kai shouted. "This is not funny at all. If you're just going around breaking people's heart, then consider yourself rejected by me. I know I'm not famous, but I'd much rather live lonely than let my heart get broken into pieces by a jerk like you." Huening Kai snapped, knitting his brows together. This was seriously out of the line.

Soobin smirked in disbelief. "Look at you. You act as if you're not inlove with me. You're head over heels for me." With this, it was enough to make Huening Kai's blood boil but, he kept his composure. "Oh, c'mon, Huening Kai. You can't last a day without me. YOU won't-"

Huening Kai cuts him off, with the palm of his hand hitting the older's soft and tender cheeks. "Choi Soobin. Do you hear yourself, right now? I actually thought you were better than this. I thought you would've changed, but I guess that attitude of yours is the only permanent thing that happens on you." Huening Kai huffed in dismay. This was it. Soobin had clearly crossed the line. This was enough for Huening Kai to bite back at his narcisstic remarks. "You're clearly just one narcisstic douche, who can't live a life, if its not breaking people's heart and a person who is an immature piece of junk." Huening Kai, emphasizing every word with a growl. "And it would be much more appreciated if you never show your face to me, ever again." It was his turn to put on a smirk on his face. "And if I ever hear my name coming from you, you're never gonna speak again. Trust me." Huening Kai threatened, then left.

Soobin was left dumbfounded. Was he too much?

Yes. Yes he is.

Huening Kai huffed in disbelief. "Head over heals? Yuck. The fuck even is that."

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