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Huening Kai was preparing himself for his first class and, unfortunately, Beomgyu couldn't come to school. He felt nauseous this morning. He had the sudden urge to throw up at anytime, any place. He had to consult a doctor for this sudden illness. Everytime he had tried to ignore the symptoms, it came out worse than usual.

Huening Kai smiled at Taehyun upon seeing him. "Hyunie~" Huening Kai called out with his arms stretched out in the air.

It was just the two of them, of course, before they met Beomgyu. They were like paper glued together. Completely inseparable. Most of the times, Huening Kai would come by Taehyun's house to spend a night or watch movies and other stuffs. Both felt happy to be able to have met each other. It was like a blessing in disguise.

Taehyun smiled back. "Hyuka! Its nice to see you all joyous and merry again. Seeing you sad and sorrowful makes my heart ache." Taehyun pouted, while holding his chest in an exaggerated way.

Huening Kai chuckled. "You have your way in flattery, but it won't work on me. What do you want from me?"

"I'm serious!" Taehyun whined, his lips pucker up into a pout. "And I most certainly don't want anything from you." Taehyun said in a soft voice.

Huening Kai chuckled at the other's cuteness. "I'm just messing wit'cha. You don't have to take it so seriously. You're just cute when you're mad."
Taehyun frowned. "Also, its not called flattery. YOU'RE the one whose trying to get away by means flattery. I mean, I am cute, but-that's beside the point." Taehyun pouted, crossing his arms.

"You look like an angry dog. A cute looking angry dog." Huening Kai complimented.

"Am not!"

"You do."




"See? You could've just agreed in the first place. Therefore, no fiight should have started." Huening Kai said, feeling victorious.

"Hmph." Taehyun crossed his arms, his pout still remained on his lips.

The bell then, rang as a sign of classes, soon, starting.


"So, class. Can anyone tell me the value of y in this equation?"

Almost half of the class had raised their hands to get the chance to answer the question. But, a sudden knock was heard on the room's entrance.

The students greets the principal with a gleeful voice and the principal gave them the permission to take a seat. The principal went near to the teacher, asking of something.

"Uh.. Mr. Kai?"

Huening Kai was confused as to why he was being called upon. "Yes, ma'am?"

"You are needed at the principal's office, now."

Huening Kai was nervous. What wrong could he possibly have done? "Yes, ma'am. I'll follow behind."

As the principal made its way back to his office, Huening Kai followed closely behind.

"Uh, Mr. Bang? I can't help but be nervous, but I would like to ask, am I in trouble? Have I caused any ruckus in the school?"

"No. Certainly not. In fact, I just want to ask you a few questions." The principal said as they took a seat, upon arriving at the office. "You can decline if you want, you don't have to answer all my questions. If you totally feel uncomfortable with my questions, I could stop this session and you can move on to your next class. All I want is your full honesty, as this can be a help for you, okay?" Huening Kai nodded in reply.

"Okay. We'll start with the first question." Mr. Bang had flipped through pages to find the right question. "This regards to one of our valuable athletes in the school, who had been recently put in jail, Choi Yeonjun."

Huening Kai completely felt stiff at the mention of his name.

"Its fine, Mr. Kai, if you feel uncomfortable with these, we can stop, for your s-."

"No. I'll answer." Huening Kai cuts him off, taking a deep breathe.

"Okay. But, I'll continue with caution. Here goes the first question? Have you ever had any relationship with Choi Yeonjun?"

Huening Kai sighed. "Choi Yeonjun. He had an attitude of a gentleman. The kind of attitude that any girls would fall for. And his eyes that will suck you in, making it hard to escape. His voice that captivated any if heard. But, he was completely a different person behind his mask. He was a monster, a heartless one. I wish I had never fallen inlove with that man."

"So... I'll take that as a 'No'. Next, this is confidential, if you want to keep it to yourself, then, we'll move on to the next question." Huening Kai nodded in reply. "It is stated that a man, taller than him, was the victim of his recent crime. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help to notice that this man in the picture looks a bit like you. Tell me, is my guess correct?"

Huening Kai had full knowledge of what he needed to know. "Yes, Mr. Bang. Yes, you are." It took a lot of courage for Huening Kai to be able to answer.

"How much did it affect you?"

"A lot. It felt like being stalked by my own shadow. It never left me alone. It was always inside my head. It traumatized me. I was completely out of it and there was a sudden urge that told me to kill myself. But, I couldn't and I seriously wouldn't."

"I see. For now, Mr. Kai, that would be all. You may now go back to your respective classroom." The principal dismissed.

Huening Kai stood up and bows at the principal. "Thank you for your great concern, Mr. Bang. It has been highly appreciated." Huening Kai lifts his body up and smiles at the principal. "Goodbye, sir."

"Goodbye and be careful." Huening Kai nodded in reply.

"Will do."

The day went by the tick of the clock, classes soon came to an end where students had to go home and take a well-rested sleep.

Huening Kai sat on his bed. Thinking of what's to come. "I miss you mom and dad. It feels almost like a year without you, mom and dad." Huening Kai expressed, looking at the picture portrait on his table. "Don't worry, I've been very well, during this day." Huening Kai let a smile creep upon his face, as his eyes felt heavy and soon drifted off to sleep.


Also, for your information, his parents are not dead, they just went abroad to gain profit and earn a living to help Huening Kai with his studies, which gave him a mindset to do better.

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