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Huening Kai woke up from his bed, happier than ever.

"Good morning, mr. Sun. What a nice day we have, don't we?" Huening Kai checked his alarm clock that was placed on top of his bedside table. "Oh, and it looks like I even woke up even before my alarm could go off. Lucky me." Huening Kai said to himself. 

He went downstairs to take breakfast. "Good morning, my sweet sister."

His sister looked at him looking all confused at how Huening Kai acted at this time in the morning. "Good morning?" The reply came out more like that of a question. "You aren't dressed, yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"You usually leave for school as soon as you wake up, what's with today?"

Huening Kai shrugged, with the same smile still on his face. "I did woke up earlier than my alarm, so, I decided to have breakfast with my beautiful sister."

"Beauti- alright, tell me what's gotten you into this? This isn't usually like you."

Huening Kai's smile grew wider remembering the incident that happened between him and Soobin. "I just had the most wonderful memory a person could ever wish for."

She looked at him with a raised brow. "What?"

"Soobin kinda walked me home yesterday." Huening Kai blushed at the thought.

"Look at that. Acting all cute for that boy. Disgusting."

"Yah." Huening Kai slapped her arm.

She chuckled. "I'm cooking breakfast, then."

"Yeah! I kinda missed your cooking though."


"Good luck on that performance."

"Thank you, bye." Huening Kai said waving goodbye to his sister.

Huening Kai made his way to school, until he heard a voice call out to him.


He smiled at the voice. He knew who it was.

He turned around to see Soobin jogging towards him.

"Soobin. You're early." Huening Kai said as his hands gripped on the straps of his backpack.

"I can tell you the same thing."

Huening Kai shrugged. "Could be the adrenaline rush that's running in my veins. I can't wait for the performance."

"You're a little too excited." Soobin smiled at Huening Kai.

"Maybe?" Huening Kai replied, giggling after. "I wish the performance goes well."

"I do hope, too."

A comfortable silence was upon them, smiling to themselves.

"Uh, hey. I still have your jacket. I washed it for you."

"Oh, you can keep it." Soobin said. "Its getting smaller for me."

"Really?" Huening Kai asked raising him a brow. "Then, why'd you wear it yesterday? I don't suppose it was too small for you."

"I didn't know it wouldn't fit me anymore. I had to at least wear something to keep me from the cold." Soobin said.

"Oh, gosh. Your way home. You weren't cold were you? I forgot to give it to you."

"No, no. Don't worry about it. It was starting to get hot for me that time." Soobin replied.

"Oh. Well, that's a relief." Huening Kai said. 

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