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It hasn't been even a week and Soobin has been trying to flirt with Huening Kai. It could've been right, it could've been wrong, but on thing for sure, Huening Kai wasn't having any of it. Huening Kai kept himself calm, careful, trying not to cause a scene. Right on top of his desk was a bouquet of flowers that was gifted by no other than:

"Choi Soobin." Huening Kai read out loud as he held on to the tag. Behind it was a letter from Soobin.

'See you later, babe.'

Huening Kai scoffed. "Yuck." He stood up, picking up the bouquet of flowers, moving towards the trash bin.

"Hey, hey. Are you really gonna throw that away after all my effort?"

Huening Kai knew who owns that kind of voice. Huening Kai lets out a sharp exhale, feeling, clearly, annoyed. "What 'effort'?"

Soobin chuckled with his deep voice. "Well, I clearly made an effort in saving up some money just to give you that. It was hard trying to keep myself from smoking, y'know?"

Huening Kai turned to look at him tilting his head to the side, with a questioning look. "You.. smoke?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way, but, yeah, you could say that. Let's say it was just a way to relieve my stress." Soobin sighed.

"I thought you were the 'rich' kind of person, especially of the way you act around other people, specifically, girls." Huening Kai said, still holding onto the bouquet of flowers.

"I am! Where do you think I got this designer clothes at?" Soobin said with pride, showing off to Huening Kai.

"I don't know, robbery?" Huening Kai questioned.

Soobin gasped. "We don't rob. We-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. No need to show it off my face." Huening Kai cuts him off mid-sentence.

There was a bit of silence before Soobin spoke. "Well, are you still gonna waste that beautiful gift of nature?"

Huening Kai rolled his eyes, groaning. "Just this once." Huening Kai said, with his right hand on his waist, whilst the other, that held the bouquet, pointed at him. "And, please stop smoking, that's bad for the health."

"Yes!" Soobin cheered for himself.

"But, it doesn't mean I like it." Huening Kai said., moving back to his place.

Soobin pouted. "But, why?" He chased after Huening Kai with a slumped shoulders.

What they didn't know was a group of girls was watching from afar.

"Well, seems to me that I have a competition." One of them said with her hands on her waist. She smirked. "May the best person win." She said, then walked off along with her circle of friends.

Meanwhile, Soobin literally just forced Huening Kai's seatmate to seat at his desk so he can spend some 'quality' time with Huening Kai.

"Soobin, do you have no plan on stopping?" Huening Kai said through gritted teeth.

"Why? Don't you like it when I wrap my arms around your waist?"

"No, its disturbing."

"Or when I put an arm around your shoulders?"

"Nope, your arm is to heavy."

"When I hold your hand?"


"When I look at you?"

"Ew, no. That's hella creepy."

"When I kiss you?"

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