Last Minute Developments

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1 Day until the mission

Bright snow was carried by the winds above Atlas, as a group of six stood outside by an Atlesian airship at the academy's air docks. These were none other than team BLCK and the two (L/N) brothers. Standing opposite of the majority of the group, both Riese and Lilith stood with packed bags of supplies to keep each of them going through each of their journeys.

Krystal: You both realise your missions could take months, right?

Lilith: Long term, I think it's worth it. The more help we get, the better.

Riese: *scoffs* Like hell I would take months to return. It's just one girl.

(Y/N): Blake went missing for days before her team found her after she first ran. But now with all of Remnant to hide-

Riese: What!? You looking down on me or something!? I'll be back before you know it just to prove you wrong!

Vin: *sigh* Whatever gets the job done I suppose.

Spinning around angrily, Riese storms off to the awaiting airship with his bag in tow.

Lilith: I'm sure he means well.

Riese: *distant* Absolutely not!

Everyone flinches at Riese's continuing intrusion.

Lilith: Whenever he's like this, I always pretend it's for good reason.

(Y/N): Riiight. Because there's actually a good reason for his never ending anger issues.

Lilith: Well I can only hope he's this mad because I've got the easier job between the two of us. A whole team in one continent shouldn't be too hard... but it begs the question. (Y/N)? Why did you insist on me bringing a large reserve of cookies and pancake mix?

(Y/N): ...You'll be unfortunate enough to find out yourself.

Jack: Don't worry. When you find Ruby and the majority of (Y/N)'s team, you won't have to worry about those items anymore.

Lilith: I'm in danger, aren't I?

Vin: You'll be fine. Just return home in one piece and hopefully some new allies.

Lilith: Right. If what (Y/N) said about them is true, then-

Riese: *distant* Oi! What's the fucking hold up!?

Lilith: *taking a deep breath and turning around* It's all for a good reason, Lilith. It's all for a good reason.

Following behind the angry porcupine, Lilith runs to catch up to Riese, both ready for their seperate missions across Remnant. As they both left earshot, your brother let out a sigh.

Jack: With Riese's attitude, it's hard to believe they both got sanctioned by Ironwood to go through with this.

Vin: He means well. He grew up outside the safety of Vacuo, a place where only the strong survive. Power, either coming from strength or attitude, was the only way to get what he wanted. Ironically, he became the successor of someone who relied more on maneuverability and tactics rather than strength, but that's a story for another time.

Krystal: What matters now is that we've got our own mission to worry about. WHICH IS TOMORROW might I add.

(Y/N): No pressure or anything.

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