Forces of nature

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What was once a blue sky now bore no colour, as the ash from the battlefield below severed the sunlight from gracing the ground with warmth. The dead zone of Vale. A place of a seemingly endless battle between man and Grimm. The Huntsman and Huntresses on the ground were tired from the month long siege from the Grimm, and their gatekeeper known as the Angeloss. They needed a spearhead to puncture through the hoards, and kill the beast at the centre.

Lucky for them, you and your new team have come back to town.

In the grey sky, the black and red airship, refurbished to carry out the duties of the newly formed Black Ops, pierced through the clouds north of Vale. Far behind you were a pair of giant Atlesian airships, remaining stationary and awaiting the arrival of Amity coliseum. Inside your own ship, you sat in the cockpit with your feet up on the console, as the peach haired Huntress, Krystal, piloted the ship to your destination. Mid flight, a conversation was partway.

(Y/N): All I'm saying is: I flew one of these ships before. What makes you think I can't get us to Vale?

Krystal: You hardly did a steady climb upwards! You almost crashed into Beacons tower multiple times! Right before you actually crashed!

(Y/N): Hey, you told me to crash it! I think that shows that I can get the job done!

???: Oi!

The two of you look back, seeing it was Jack who yelled from his seat.

Jack: I swear to Oum, if you both don't stop arguing, I will turn this thing around!

Krystal: Buddy you're in the back seat, while I can send us plummeting down. Right now! I'd like to see you try to take the wheel from me!

Suddenly, another voice called out. The most important role of the team: the voice of reason.

Vin: I'm glad we're all excited about the mission, but let's actually get to our destination before partaking in any sort of fighting.

Jack: *scoff* Alright. Hey (Y/N), that actually reminds me: you've been... awfully positive about this mission ever since we left.

Krystal: It's scary...

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Jack: I mean we're returning to our greatest failure. We couldn't stop the fall of Beacon, we couldn't save Penny, and we couldn't stop Adam.

Krystal: Adam? Angry White Fang boi, Adam?

Jack: Yeah... Or at least... I couldn't. Look, the point is that I thought this would trigger some sorta depressive episode or something.

(Y/N): *rolling eyes* Ha ha. The thing is that... we're all prepared for this. We've all grown in many ways: from our strengths and weaknesses, to ourselves. I'm positive in this mission because I've grown out of what held me back the last time we were here. Besides, I said I'd kill the Angeloss and bring Amity back to Atlas. So I'll be sure to follow through on it.

You then look back out of the windows of the cockpit, seeing trees flying past below you as you accelerated closer and closer towards Vale.

(Y/N): That being said though... I'm honestly the most concerned about who's still fighting in this Dead Zone. It's been about two months since we've last been here. People can give up. If we're too late, nobody will be able to hold this ground until our assault to reclaim Beacon.

Jack: Huh. That's why Ironwood wants this Grimm dead? He's planning a full on attack to liberate this place?

Vin: In the long run, yes. But that will have to follow the generals plan with Amity beforehand, and any other sorties. A liberation of a Kingdom can't be planned in a night.

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