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     At last Lisa came. "Hello Yoonie...  How was your day?", Lisa cheerfully smiled, her copper hair shadowing her forehead, giving her an adorable appearance.

     "Fine. What took you so long?", Yoongi asked, still not facing her. He was looking out of the window. "Oh.. sorry I was just bust doing a few assignments of the university." Yoongi knew quite well that she was lying. He knew it all.

     "Lisa... I think it's time we quit pretending. It's time we get real. Or rather... It's time you get real and speak yourself", his lips twitched in pain with every word that he uttered. "What's wrong Yoongs... Something bad at work? I know... Ramen is going to help... And I've brought your favorite brand. Let's have it. Come on", Lisa tried to cheer him up. "Thank you Lis for being so thoughtful.... But it's time we get real. It's either me or him", tears... He couldn't stop them. "Tell me Lisa who was he... Speak up!",and it's the first time that he raised his voice at her. She realized it. She realized her mistake but she couldn't bear to see him crying. The one who has never ever cried, was crying for her. "Come on Lisa. Let's get real. You can leave me for him. But at least tell me the reason", Yoongi sat down at his desk with his head in his hands, tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

     "I- I'm sorry Yoongi. I love him", Lisa couldn't bring herself to say this. But she had to. She couldn't go on cheating on someone. "I'm sorry Yoongi, I love Baekhyun. I'm very sorry", she was almost breaking herself up. "You never had time for me", she sniffled."You were far too engrossed in your job and music. I'd wait here in you apartment for hours just to have the dinner which I cooked, with you. But sometimes, you never came back and in the morning if wake up in your bed after an entire night of crying and sulking. But Baekhyun... He always had time for me. He would always speak with me. I used to tell him how lonely I felt waiting for you. Then today... He offered to take me out. I can't carry on a relationship with someone else behind your back. I'm so sorry Yoongi." She broke into tears.

      "Why Lisa... Why... Why do you have to leave me. I really loved you. Why didn't you give me another chance. Why did you just start hanging out with him. Why?", the pianist dropped onto the desk. He never expected to be hurt this much. He kept on changing "Why Lis", in between sobs.

      Lisa came up to him and put her hand around his neck, "Yoons..." "Shut up woman... Get away from me you traitor!",he literally screamed at the copper haired girl who backed a few steps when he roughly pushed her caressing hand away. She knew how horrible Yoongi's rage was. Although she was facing it for the first time, she had seen others fall victim to that tremendous rage.

      "Go away Lis. Get away from here. Go to Baekhyun", his voice was of a strange, sinister quality. He pushed Lisa who landed on the ground and hurt her arm on the sharp edge of a table. "Yoongi... Why are you doing this to me. Let's be friends at least", she cried terribly. "Fuck off bitch. I can't take the sight of the mess of your of yourself. Go back to him and don't dare to come back", with that he threw a vase
at Lisa who was whimpering on the floor.

       Yoongi hadn't meant to his Lisa, but unfortunately... He did it. The vase slammed onto Lisa's head and shattered to pieces, a few of them pierced her cheeks and forehead and jugulars. She fell to her side hitting her head on the hard floor and started howling and twitching in pain.

       Yoongi looked back to see Lisa flailing on the floor. "Lisa!", he exclaimed and rushed up to the injured girl. He bent over her, sobbing. She was coughing up deep red blood. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Y-yo- ughh- y-yoong-gi", she muttered his name while her chest heaved up and down for some air. Her hands clutching Yoongi's were restless. "Uhh-I-i-love y-you... Yoongi... Y-you're m-my sweetest s-s-SUGA--!"...she couldn't finish her sentence. Her lips parted wide for one last breath and her restless hand finally became still in Yoongi's hand as death took over.

      "Lisa!!! Lis!!", Yoongi shook the girl and some more blood splattered on her copper coloured hair. "Lisa!!!", he howled in pain. He crouched down on her body crying. His body shook convulsively.

     That day Lisa had a little white flowers tucked in her voluminous tresses of hair. It had fallen into the pool of the poor girl's blood and was stained red. Yoongi picked it up. Her blood touched his hands... It was as pure as her smile, her soul, her self. "I- I'm sorry Lis... I'm sorry!!! Forgive me Lis... Forgive me!!!", he felt himself break into a million pieces and laid down on the floor beside the dead girl. He cupped her still warm face in the hollow of his palm and kissed her lips which were red with blood. He put her limp hand over himself and hugged her. "Lisa... I'll pay for it..  I'll pay for whatever I've done to you.... You can't forget me... "

      After sometime, he got off and covered her body with a blanket. It was Lisa's favourite pink blanket with hearts on it. He had gifted it to her especially to use when she would sleep with him.

          Spotting a pen knife nearby, he grabbed it, flipped it open and held it against his skin. 'Let me end this... I was born to die... I was born to be hurt... I was born to be useless as they say... It would've been better if I hadn't been born... What more do I have to live for... It's done ... It's over.... Lisa... I'm going to be with you. Take me with you... I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to live like this."

      Yoongi pressed the blade deep into his skin. Blood gushed out in little spurts as he had slashed open a vein. The cut deepened as he intensified the pressure. Blood stained his hands and his jeans. Gradually he started feeling dizzy and lightheaded, but was happy that he was going to die. He threw away the knife and dropped down beside the dead girl and passed out with his hands still put protectively around her body. Darkness engulfed him.


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