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    "Earth to Min fucking Yoongi", Jimin finally laughed and waved a small hand in front of the chestnut haired boy's face. "Jimin, I'm serious... I like you", Yoongi spoke with a strong voice. "I really like you."

    "Hey, shut up... what's wrong with you this late in the night... Did you drink too much makegolli or soju. Makegolli tastes quite good in Seoul though. I haven't had one in--",  "Jimin, please... listen to me", Yoongi felt beat... he himself was getting tired due to all this running around and anxiety. "Oh please... Yoonie... You should sleep", Jimin tried to get up but failed to do so as excruciating pain shot up his thighs. "Ugh... this--", Yoongi stopped him, "Jimin, you need some more rest", he forced him down to rest his head on his backpack, "and you're going to consider seriously what I said." 

      Jimin fell silent. He didn't know what to do... or rather what to think of Yoongi's proposal. There seemed nothing wrong in it.... yet there was something terribly wrong with it. He remembered how older boys back at the orphanage used to confess to him every now and then, but he'd turn them down saying that he had to become a doctor. But it's all in the past now.... no more of that. But Yoongi was different, he went all the way without any reason, just to make sure that he was doing okay at the club. Then he couldn't take the sight of him being tortured in the name of work. What was the reason behind all that. Jimin tried to analyse and organize his thoughts.... but he was cut short in his analysis when Yoongi flopped his head down on his tummy. "Hey, get off", Jimin tried pushing Yoongi off, but stopped when he found that he was already snoring lightly. "Okay... this is the one last time I'm allowing you to do this, got it... you lazy rock", and he traced little circle on Yoongi's soft, glossy cheeks before falling asleep himself. 

                                                                                    TIME SKIP

         Morning sunlight filtered in through the open window and brightened up the faces of the two sleeping boys. Yoongi turned over to the other side, on Jimin, who woke up on being disturbed by the sudden movement. "Yoonie!!!! Get up... It's afternoon already I guess." He had no idea of the time and moreover, Yoongi's cellphone was nowhere near. "Okay... okay.. I get it", Yoongi muttered irritated, but still sleepy and curled into a ball. "Get up before I kick your ass", Jimin laughed as he stretched and stood up. Although he was having a bit of pain, he was feeling much better... thanks to Yoongi's nursing. 

      Yoongi uncurled and stretched out as well. Both were terribly tired, especially Jimin. The night's sleep didn't do them much good. "Jimin, your shirt needs to be washed. It's in a bad condition with  those blood and semen stains", Jimin who just realized that he had been sleeping shirtless, blushed badly and Yoongi caught that. He tried his utmost to hide a little smile. "When did you open my shirt? I didn't notice it", he asked Yoongi, still blushing.

      -"I woke up last night to clean your wounds once again. That was when I took off your shirt to clean that bad cut on your side. It looks terrible." Jimin couldn't believe himself. The boy hadn't slept properly last night just to clean his wounds once again, even though he himself was horribly tired after all that running and anxiety. He sat down beside Yoongi. "Why are you caring so much for me? I don't deserve all this. I'm just maybe a prosti--" Yoongi put a slender finger to the boy's lips and quietened him. "No... you're not what you were just going to say. Park Jimin... how many times do I have to tell you that you're not just a "stripper" or "prostitute" to me... How many times do I have to explain it all to you. Jimin, I need you to stay by my side. To  help me, to guide me... just the way you did the day I first met you. I need you Jimin.  You underestimate yourself and attach absolutely no value to your life... But lemme tell you, your life does indeed have a value for me... a value which you won't ever be able to understand.... I honestly love you Park Jimin... believe me!"

      "What did you just say?", Jimin sat on the floor agape at the other's words. "I said that I love you Jimin." "B-B- But...", Jimin stammered all over the place. "No buts Jimin-ah... and I mean it."

"Ummm.... Yoo--", Yoongi closed the gap between them and kissed Jimin lightly on lips making him blush a bright crimson. He pulled away for breath and looked at Jimin who looked like as if his eyes would pop out of their sockets. "Easy there boy...", and he broke into a peal of clear laughter. 

      Finally Jimin manged to gather himself, "You serious?" "Why should I not be serious... Mister Park Jimin the great?" "I just asked you...Because... this is the first time someone has confessed to me in such a courteous yet terrible way." 

-"Seriously? 'Terrible'?"

-'Why shouldn't I be serious Mister? Well it's not just terrible as I told you...."

"Okay terrible or not I don't care... enough for now... I'm hungry", the chestnut haired boy laughed suddenly making the pink headed male just scowled at him. "You're awesome at spoiling the mood aren't you, bitch!!!", Jimin got up and headed off towards the window faking disappointment. 

                                                                            TIME SKIP

        Later that morning both the boys were found having tteokbokki. "You know what... It's been many days since I've had good food regularly.... All thanks to you", and he stuffed his mouth with another spoonful. Yoongi looked up from his food and said, "Jimin... I told you that I love you... so it's almost nothing for me to treat you to good food once in a while... Rather it is my duty as your boyfriend." Jimin blushed a bit at the last two words. "Awww look at you... you look so cute", Yoongi lifted up the pink headed boy's face with his finger and smiled at him, revealing his gums. "Hey you... stop being so cheesy in public." "As if anyone fucking cares about me being cheesy in public", and Yoongi twirled a lock of Jimin's hair with his finger. "Yeah but I do fucking care... 'cause we're getting a great many stares", Jimin pushed away the hand that was messing with his locks, earning an uproar of laughter from Yoongi. 'Baby, if you care about what others are thinking, then you'll be crushed by society", he leaned over the table, closer to Jimin and whispered in his ears, "we aren't supposed to give two flying fucks to opinionists."

        Jimin smiled a bit, "Getting too cocky aren't we... what did they mix in your food? Some high quality soju." "Nah.. it was just that I was in a mood to lecture you on philosophical stuff." Both of them started laughing, earning much more stares from the people, but again... did they give "two flying fucks"? Obviously not.



NOTE: "CODA" is that part of a song which is also called the outro or simply the part between the hook and the bridge.

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