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    The morning sunlight streamed in through the window lighting up the face of the boy who had passed out on the ground. Yoongi stirred a bit and turned. He got up and took some time to recoup from the terrific chain of events. He didn't die...  Unluckily the cut wasn't very deep and had clotted up over the night, though he had lost a considerable amount of blood which made him tired and groggy.

     Looking around and made his mind on leaving the apartment that very morning... since he couldn't follow his Lisa, he had no wish of remaining in such an unhallowed place.

     After completing his early morning chores, Yoongi packed some of his essentials into a backpack. All the while he couldn't spare a glance at Lisa's still form. It pained him. The apartment itself was causing him pain.

    After he was done packing up. Yoongi checked the wall clock. He had received it as a gift from Lisa earlier that year. It was 5 am. He walked up to the dead girl and picked her into his arms. Placing her on his bed and covering her once again with the blanket Yoongi backed off but then closed in to place a rather prolonged keep kiss on her cheek. 

      Taking one last glimpse at Lisa, Yoongi walked out of the door, locking it behind him.

    He would be taking the first bus from the town... But he didn't have any destination except the Daegu bus stop.

    The bus was empty except for two students who were busily munching away on their snacks. Yoongi took a seat towards the end. He was tired and sleepy. He looked out of the window as the bus  started. would he be able to start a new life? What's going to happen to his Lis? Maybe that bastard Baekhyun would find her in his apartment but he wouldn't have the courage to follow him.... he was extremely chicken-livered.  

    The bus rolled out of Daegu and entered the countryside canvas. Yoongi kept on staring outside till he fell asleep. After sometime, we was woken up by someone tapping him on the shoulder. He looked up to face a young boy, maybe a year or two younger than him, with soft pink hair. "Sorry to wake you up sir.... umm... but can I take the seat beside you?" the boy asked with a polite smile. "Yeah sure... Why not?" , and Yoongi scooted over to the edge, while the boy sat down. 

       The boy hung his head low and kept on nervously wringing his hands. Yoongi tried to read his expressions. The boy looked rather terrified and weary. his eyebrows were knitted together indicating that he was probably thinking about something deeply, and that thought might be the cause of his wringing his hands.

    Looking up all of a sudden the boy said,"Sir, where are you off to?" he put up that same polite smile despite all his worries. "Um..uh... I", Yoongi stammered. he din't have a destination. looking down at the ticket in his hand, he noticed that the final stop was Seoul. "I- yes.. I am off to Seoul" and he smiled back at him rather questioningly. A huge burden seemed to heave itself off the boy and his eyes shone with relief and happiness, "Wow.. even I'm going that way." Yoongi flashed a quick smile and turned away. He continued to look outside the window. Soon, he drifted off to sleep. 

        " We've arrived at Seoul, wishing all the passengers a happy and safe onward journey", the speakers inside the bus blared out which rose both Yoongi and the boy. He had unknowingly drifted asleep and was resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder all this while. When this realization dawned on him, unable to contain his shame he stood up and bowed while whispering,"I'm so sorry sir..." to a sleepy Yoongi who looked strangely at him and managed to drag himself up from the seat. With that the boy hurried out of the bus. Once outside the bus, Yoongi saw him looking around searchingly as if wary of some kidnapper, then walked away hastily towards downtown Seoul where the lights from the live city glimmered in the distance.

           It was almost evening and Yoongi was pretty hungry after the long bus journey as he had packed with him nothing to eat... he only had his bare essentials and the few things without which the wouldn't have been able to survive, in his backpack. He walked into the bustling city square. The Seoul nightlife had just kicked in, but he wasn't in a mood to enjoy all that extravagance as very tired and hungry. He went to the nearest cheap noodle shop and bought some noodles and a can of soda to have at one of the many benches along the edge of the city square.  

        Having finished his little food, Yoongi started pondering as to how he would spend the rest of the night. He didn't have much warm clothes. After all how much comfort can a worn out overcoat provide in this chill. 

       He decided to stroll around a bit to keep the chill away and then make that bench his bed for the night. 

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