Chapter Thirteen- BasketBall

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"There it is!" Tennis Ball pointed at the academy, which was coming up in the distance. Golf Ball gulped, nervous. This was the academy that she had been waiting for! Their car drove past the security check and soon, they were already in the lobby. The lobby was grand and fancy, reminding Golf Ball of her own lobby at home. 

"Do you want to sit down?" Tennis Ball asked. He was a tall boy with green hair and a tracksuit. People usually thought he was very athletic and a competitive person, and were surprised to find out that he was a quite, kind person who loved to learn. Then they usually started whispering behind their backs about how Golf Ball and Tennis Ball were the perfect couple. Golf Ball usually just rolled her eyes at times like that, since people are really stupid sometimes.

"Sure." Golf Ball chose a fancy chair covered with gold tassels and sat down. She watched as many different people ran by. Then she saw a familiar face. The red hair and eyes, how his smirk was so proud as he walked around like he owned the place. Blocky. The one who always teased her about how she was such a teacher's pet. Even worse, there was Eraser. The one who made up the horrible nickname of "Bossy Bot".

"Tennis Ball!" she whispered quickly. "There's Blocky and Eraser!"

Tennis Ball quickly got up. "Let's get out of here then." he said, seeing Golf Ball's panic. They quickly ran to the other side of the lobby, and as they slowed down, Tennis Ball turned towards here and smiled. "Want me to give you a math problem?"

"Sure." Golf Ball answered, knowing that Tennis Ball had asked her that question because talking about math always calmed her down.

"Okay, so..."

As they were talking, Golf Ball saw a boy with flaming orange and yellow hair brush past them. He was surely a fire elementalist. 

"Look, that boy was a fire elementalist." Golf Ball whispered after he was out of sight.

Tennis Ball nodded, "Yeah. There's a lot of them with powers."

"It's not fair!" she complained, "How come we have no powers except being good at our sport that we are named after?! What's the use of that?!"

"It's just luck." Tennis Ball replied, familiar with this question. "But Blocky doesn't have any powers either."

"Don't mention that idiot!" Golf Ball snapped, then caught herself. "Sorry." she said, looking down.

"It's okay." Tennis Ball gave her a hug. "I know how much you hate-"

"GOLF BALL!!!!! TENNIS BALL!!!!!!!!" Golf Ball turned to see her other best friend, BasketBall. Her orange hair was put up in a high ponytail, and she wore her basketball jersey. 

"Hey, BasketBall!" Golf Ball said, "How are you?"

BasketBall was a feisty girl with a caffeine overload. She was nice, though, and could be trusted with secrets, the one things she didn't blurt out.

Listen, all students! Please report to the lobby and line up to get your schedules and dormitories! An announcement rang over the loudspeaker.

"Okay, then!" BasketBall said, "Better get going!"

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