Chapter Fifty-Eight- Running Out Of Time

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Leafy was worried. Her parents still didn't respond to her voice message. What happened to them? She tried to hope for the best. Maybe they were getting new phones or were just working overtime to collect herbs. But why would they work for days?

She decided to go tell Firey about her worries. Getting out of bed after a good rest, she changed and got ready for the contest. She then went to their usual table. Firey was already there once again, but something was wrong. He was clutching his head and slumped on the table.

"Firey!" Leafy cried, "Are you okay?"

Firey didn't respond, beads of lava still rolling down his face. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily. Leafy ran over towards him, but the air was reaching high temperatures, and she had to back off.

The table, being made of whatever material it was, wasn't even affected by the temperature. However, the plants in his radius were. Leafy gulped. Four probably wouldn't be happy to see his rosebushes burnt. 

But what was happening to Firey? 


Firey concentrated as hard as he could. Evil Leafy, sensing his weakness after pooling in his energy on fighting Meteor yesterday, was now going at it more than ever with her determination. Firey tried to keep his hold, but the pain...  how could he stop her?

He really needed help from his mom. But he was in too much pain, he couldn't have the strength to call her. His vision was slipping in and out of reality, the garden blending in harmoniously with the cavern. He noticed, at the edge of his vision, a shadow of someone. He focused his vision, and realized through a haze that it was Leafy.

"L-leafy!" he gasped, "C-call my mom!" The Leaf Stone was now, once again, almost halfway red.


Leafy punched in Firey's Mom's number. She was really worried and breathing really quickly. But no one answered. 

Please leave a message. I'm probably busy if your hearing this. 

"It's me, Leafy!" she said into the voicemail, "Something's happening to Firey!"

Then she ran to get Four. 


"PRINCIPAL FOUR!" Leafy screamed.

"Do you guys know how to knock?" Four asked as Leafy skid into the room.


"Oh no." Four got out of his chair so quickly that it fell over. He teleported away.

Leafy hoped that meant that he went to Firey and not ran away. She ran back as fast as she could. 

When she reached that garden, Four was already there. He had one hand on Firey's back, and his eyes were wide open. 

Leafy almost screamed at the sight of his eyes. Pure black, with no whites, and a small white pupil. But whatever he was doing, it seemed to be helping Firey. His face relaxed and he stopped clenching his fists.

"Firey! Are you okay?" Leafy gasped as Four turned his attention to fixing the flowers with a few waves of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Firey told her, "Nothing much. Just a little headache. I think I got worked up after yesterday."

But Leafy could see from his eyes that he wasn't telling the truth. She let it slip, anyway.

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