Chapter Sixty-Four- Final Contest Day Three (Part Three)

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"I guess he took off his power control." Blue Whirl informed.

"What's that?" Leafy asked, but she was interrupted by the tent ripping open. There stood Meteor, and he was just as scary as Firey had described. His eyes were balls of murderous fire, and multiple meteors covered behind him, waiting for permission to strike.

"RUN!!!!" Pin screamed, grabbing her backpack and Turt. The friends all grabbed their possessions, but Leafy had to leave the tent behind. It was damaged beyond repair, anyway.

Meteor stretched his hand out in their direction, and the flaming rocks shot after them.

"See, Leafy, look!" Blue Whirl shouted, pointing behind them, "See those bands on his arms? Those control his power

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"See, Leafy, look!" Blue Whirl shouted, pointing behind them, "See those bands on his arms? Those control his power."

"How come I've never seen them before?" Leafy asked.

Blue Whirl dodged a meteor and Teardrop shot another away with a blast of water. "They're for Universals, one of the most powerful groups. Black Hole probably had them controlling how he could warp time and space, but maybe they got permission to use their powers? They usually have them on their legs, too, which I guess explains why they aren't going at full power."

"Well, if this isn't his full power," a meteor hit the ground so hard Leafy almost flung into the treetops, "then I don't wanna see what he can do."

Blue Whirl laughed. "Same."

Leafy turned her head. The meteors were still pursuing them, and other meteors were raining down all around. Meteor, however, was still standing in the same place, waving his hand to control the path of the meteors.

"Augh!" Leafy groaned, clutching her stomach.

"What is it?" Firey asked worriedly.

"Hungry!" Leafy said, and immediately noticed how stupid that sounded. She pulled out one of her sandwiches anyway and started eating. She tried to eat as little as possible in the arena, and now that they had Teardrop, she didn't need to worry about not having enough water to drink. Firey and Blue Whirl need oxygen, which was already all around them. 

Leafy tossed a sandwich to Pin, and she caught it and continued to run.

"We need to split up!" Firey shouted.

So Leafy grabbed Teardrop and ran off in one direction. Firey, Blue Whirl, and Pin zoomed off in the other. The meteors split up and started chasing them.

"Okay, let's see." Leafy muttered to herself, holding out her vitamins. She looked at the six vitamins in her hand. One of them was silver, one purple, pink, red, black, and orange. "Maybe the silver one?" 

She popped it into her mouth.

She turned towards the meteors. "STOP!" she screamed. Nothing happened.

"Dang!" she cried as the meteors hurled onwards. Teardrop motioned for her to concentrate. So she did.

And the meteors started breaking apart. They turned into smaller rocks and started fading into pieces.

"What is this?" Leafy gasped.

Teardrop made a bunch of motions with her hands, but Leafy didn't understand any of them. They just hid for a long time. Hours later, Teardrop was asleep and Leafy had woken up two hours ago. The day was almost done and Bell,  Nickel, Grassy, Fries, Tree, Steak, Apple Watch, Barbell, and Boot had gotten killed.

Their hiding spot under the statue of a screaming onion was pretty safe. The onion seemed to be pretty strong, but Leafy still winced and positioned herself to be ready to pull Teardrop out and run away whenever one of the meteors got too close. 

She hoped the others were all right. Only five minutes left.





Leafy gasped in horror. Blue Whirl was killed?

But then something even worse happened.


Leafy felt herself freeze in place, shocked. She didn't even notice as she was teleported back into her dorm, her mind still in the arena, on Firey's death.

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