Chapter Sixty-Seven- Into the Cavern

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Leafy started packing for the trip to Yoyleland. Pin put Turt in her backpack.

It squeaked. Pin took at Turt in surprise. "You're alive?"

Turt nodded and held up a little roll of paper. Pin started reading it.

"What does it say?" Leafy asked, curious.

"For Pin: I made Turt an robot that's almost just like it's living. Turt doesn't need food or water, he just needs love. -Four." Pin read aloud.

"Wow, that's cool." Leafy said impressed, "Four can make robots that are so realistic they seem alive?"

Hint: Announcer and the other teachers >:)

"Impressive." Pin agreed, "We should hurry. We're supposed to meet up in the lobby in thirty minutes."

"Okay." Leafy glanced at her suitcase. She had packed everything she owned inside it. But wait... She fished out the scrapbook and threw open the window, tossing it outside. It landed with a thump in some rosebushes.

Bye bye, Firey. she thought.


"Okay, everyone here?" Announcer asked.

"YEAH!" Blocky cheered, "Man, I can't wait for some Yoyle Stew."

"It'll turn you into metal, you know." Leafy told him.

"What? Metal's cool." Blocky said, confused.

"Whatever." Leafy glanced over in Firey's direction. Their eyes met and Firey looked away quickly. Leafy smirked to herself. Weakling.

"Okay, I'm going to teleport you all to Yoyleland in three..."

Everyone tooked excited, expect Firey, who looked determined. Leafy wondered why.



They teleported so smoothing that Leafy thought she was still in the lobby. They arrived in Yoyleland.

The island was purple, with green bushes full of the round purple fruits. 

"Ohmigosh, look at these yoyleberries!" Pencil said, "Looks good!" She took a large armfull on berries from the nearest bush and started popping them into her mouth.

"OMG, like give me some!" Match said excitedly, taking a bit from Pencil.

"I want some, too!" Bubble said. They started munching down.

"Where it Firey go?" Pin asked, looking around. 

"Dunno." Leafy said, shrugging, "Who cares?"


Firey ran around Yoyleland. He needed to find the cavern, but where was it? The island seemed like endless bushes full of yoyleberries, except for the little hotel in the center. Could the cavern be there?

Wait. He had an easier method. Firey closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel the gentle pulse of his stone. If you could follow the trail, then he'd know where the cavern was.

Firey walked blindly with his eyes closed, turning whenever his senses told him to. Finally, the felt the pulse glowing so hard that his vision turned white, even with his eyes closed. This was the right place.

Firey opened his eyes. And in front of him was a regular bush. Firey felt disappointed, then realized that he could access the cavern with the bush. But what was he supposed to do?

I guess I'll just have to trust the power of my stone. Firey thought.

He closed his eyes again, and the blinding light flowed through his vision.

"Open." he whispered, and the bush was violently thrown into the sky.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Firey screamed.

He looked down. Under the bush that was now in orbit was a stone staircase, spiraling into the ground. 

Huh, I always thought the cave would be above ground. Firey thought, But I guess staying hidden under a bush makes more sense.

So he entered and started walking down the staircase. Once his feet touched the first stair, a glowing flame lit up on the left of the staircase. Every step he took, a fire symbol appeared on the left of each step, glowing orange in the darkness. Firey looked closely and he saw Leaf symbols on each step as well, on the right side. They weren't lighting up, though. Firey guessed that when Leafy walked down the stairs, those would light up as well.

Finally, Firey reached the room of his nightmares. The cavern with the two crystals floating in the center, the rock that Evil Leafy sat on. It felt so weird to see it in real life.

But then Firey noticed something he hadn't seen in any of his visions. Two chained up people were tied against the way, cuts and wounds all over their bodies.

"Leafy's parents." Firey breathed in horror.

"That's right."

Firey gasped as Evil Leafy materialized on the stone.

"SHADOW!" Firey shouted.

"Hey, call me Evil Leafy. I was Evil Flame, but..." Evil Leafy smirked and turned her appearance into Firey's grandmother. 

Firey clenched his fists.

"Well, Firey Boy, congratulations. You're finally here."

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