Chapter One - "St-Stupid!!"

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*Arisa's POV, Arisa's House*

Aaah, I'm tired. I'm feeling the Monday spirit, no energy...

And then Kasumi will be knocking soon, so I'll have to get up.

I rolled around on my bed and accidentally knocked over a picture frame on my nightstand.


The frame broke into many pieces on the floor, glass spread out everywhere.

I jumped out of bed and I immediately began cleaning it up.
I picked up the picture.

"I... I'm sorry, you guys," I said to them, even though no one heard me.

It was a picture of Poppin'Party, and my friend (Y/N).

I haven't seen him in a while. Maybe about a year and a half.

I mean, he still goes to Hanasakigawa, just like me, but who knows what he's doing now.
I'm so busy with school and band practice.

"Arisaaaaaa!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

Kasumi. She's ready to walk me to school.

"Ugh! All right! I'm coming!"
I shouted back.

We met in front of my house, and we began to walk to school.
It was lightly raining, so not enough to really bother us.

Kasumi splashed around in the puddles a bit.

"Cut it out, Kasumi! My uniform is getting even more soaked!"

"Aww! You're no fun! Let me splash some more!"
She continued to splash in the puddles.

I sighed.
"Okay, Kasumi. Just this once."

"Yay! Thank you, Arisa!"
She rushed at me and gave a me a big hug.

"H-hey...!" I complained.

Now, instead of playing in the puddles, she just locked me in her hug, and we just walked like that to school.

*(Y/N)'s POV, near Hanasakigawa*

The rain is calming. I brought an umbrella anyway.

Today, I'm walking with my close friend, Rinko-chan, to school.

We do that nearly every day. She's not too talkative normally, but with me, she's a bit more open.

"Well, I hope today we don't do too much work," I told Rinko.

"Well... Even though today's Monday, we have a math test... It's super-important."

"Ugh..." I groaned.

"It's okay... I can help you," Rinko offered, with a smile.

"Oh, you're a life-saver. Goddess Rinko-chan!"

"Ah!" Rinko became flustered. "I w-wouldn't say that..."

Rinko then looked ahead of her.
"Hey, isn't that Kasumi?"

We noticed a girl with an unusual hairstyle. It reminds me of a cat. And she's hugging someone.

"Her hair reminds me of a star..." Rinko said.

"Let's say hi!" I suggested.

"Huh? I dunno..."

"I know you get nervous," I told her. "But they go to our school! We're in different classes, but you've seen their performances, right?"

"I... have. Poppin'Party has really cool performances."

"Then, let's go!" I walked off, Rinko following behind.

"The Top Tsundere" - Arisa x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now