Chapter Two - "Don't Get The Wrong Idea!"

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The Next Day, Hanasakigawa High, (Y/N)'s Classroom

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Phew. Arisa really seemed red yesterday. I feel bad for making her mad.
I'm not sure if I should apologize. I mean, I did that a ton yesterday!

I looked at Rinko-chan sitting next to me.
She seemed to be falling asleep. I'm pretty sure Roselia's band practice has her tired.
She's such a hard worker.

Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't disturb her.
She's kind of cute when she sleeps.

"H-huh?" Rinko snapped out of her drowsiness. "Oh..."

"Ha ha. You were falling asleep. Band practice again?" I asked.

"No... I... I stayed up too late playing Neo Fantasy Online with Ako-chan... I slept around 1 AM..."

"Rinko-chan! That's not good! You need to get more sleep!"


I smiled at Rinko. "It's fine. It's good to do something with someone you like."

"Yeah," Rinko nodded. "Hey, Imai-san told me... She saw Arisa-san... talking to a bonsai..."

"A bonsai? Like that little tree?" I asked.

"Yes. Maybe she likes them..." Rinko responded.

"Oh! That's a great thing to know. Thanks Rinko-chan! You're really the best!"

"H-huh?" Rinko seemed flustered. "You're... welcome?"

Arisa likes bonsai?
Then let me surprise her with my knowledge!
Well, I don't know much about bonsai.
I'll try my best.
I'll do it after school!

Maybe I'll go to the school library first!

"Rinko-chan. I'm headed to the library during lunch, okay? Want to come?" I asked.

"Ah... I would, but... I have to meet with Hikawa-san... Sorry."

"It's okay! You do that."

* * * *

School Library, During Lunch

I went to the library. It was nice and quiet there.

I looked around for a book about bonsai.

"Hmm... Bonsai... Bonsai..."

While looking for the book, I accidentally bumped into a girl to my side.

"Fueee!" she squealed.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized. "Are you okay?"

It was Kanon-chan, a girl from another class.
She's pretty shy, so I don't get to talk to her much.
Which is weird because I'm friends with Rinko-chan.

"I'm okay... I'm sorry too..." she said. "Are you looking for a book?"

"Yeah. A book on bonsai. I'm researching them. Sometimes, books just explain things better than the Internet."

"Yeah. I get you. Actually, I know where books on bonsai are. Follow me."

She led me to a section of the library I hardly ever visited. It's probably because I don't really take care of plants. I've got more of a black thumb than a green one.

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