Chapter Five - "I-I MORE Than Like You!"

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*Arisa's POV*

Where is he taking me tonight?
I hope it's somewhere that we'll enjoy together.

We approached a movie theater.
"The movies?" I asked. "How wonderful."

"We'll be watching an older movie that they're remaking," (Y/N) told me.

"Oh, which movie?"

"The Lone Swordsman. The original starred Chisato-chan from school, so I hope they did her role justice."

"I've heard that the remake's good," I said. "They put much more romance in it."

"Perfect for our date. After you, Arisa-chi."

I blushed, and walked in the theater.
"Thank you. Stupid."

(Y/N) paid for the two of us, and we bought popcorn and took our seats.
We sat in the back, which is always a good choice. Sitting in the very front hurts your eyes after a while.

The movie started, and once the lights dimmed, (Y/N) immediately placed his arm around me.

That's the oldest move in the book...

"H-hey..." I whispered. "What're ya doing?"

"Nothing," he said. "Just watching the movie. This part is supposed to be funny."

We looked at the screen, and saw the swordsman, who was a girl, and really was a samurai, playfully swinging a stick around.

"Bushido!" she shouted.

"...Sounds more like Eve-san..." I laughed.

"Ha, ha," (Y/N) laughed too. He took my hand and held it.

"St... stupid..." I told him. "Stop being so cheesy..."

"Do you hate it? This is our date, after all..."

"I don't hate it... Y-you can keep doing it."

We stared into each other's eyes for a while, completely ignoring the movie.
As we were about to kiss, the movie interrupted us.

"Eeeeeeek!" the samurai shrieked. "An evil goblin!"

We both laughed. "Goblins in old Japan...?"

(Y/N) caressed my cheek and continued watching the movie.

"Chisato-chan could take on that goblin without even drawing a weapon," he said.

"Huh? Why?"

"She could stare at it," (Y/N) continued. "Her death stare can pierce through a steel wall."

"You got that right. Chisato-chan's a nice girl, but her stare is scary."

* * * *

Well, we enjoyed the movie.
It was pretty good!

Although (Y/N) couldn't kiss me, we can do that later.

We started to walk home, hand-in-hand.
By this time, it became dark outside.

"Wait, look at that," (Y/N) pointed at a shooting star. "That's good luck. Make a wish."

"I don't need a wish," I said. "And you've got my lucky rabbit's foot. That's all the luck you'll need there."

"Aww, Arisa-chi..."

Suddenly, we saw somebody approach us
I have no idea who she is.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"The Top Tsundere" - Arisa x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now