Chapter Three - "I-I Like You!"

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*(Y/N)'s POV*
(Y/N)'s House, After School

I'm so bored!
I just finished my homework.
Maybe I should jump on Neo Fantasy Online with Rinko-chan and Demon Princess Ako.

I decided to check my phone out of boredom.

Hmm? What's this? A message from... Arisa, sent about three minutes ago.

Let's see what is reads...

"Hey (Y/N)
Sorry for interrupting
I hope you're free
If you are, please come over to my house
Don't get the wrong idea, though

She wants me to visit her?
Well, I'll waste no time!
Let me respond real quick...

"I'm coming right away"

Short, but sweet.
I wonder what she wants.  I wonder if Arisa likes me.

It can't be!

She DOES like me!
Agh, I'm such a bonehead!

I'm probably denser than all the planets in the Solar System!

* * * *

At Arisa's house

I knocked on the door to Arisa's house.
She answered it.
She was dressed in her casual clothes, and she looks incredibly cute.
Her hair was even down.

"Hey, Arisa. You look... nice," I said.

"Th-thanks. I tried looking my best for you," she replied, blushing. "Come to the basement."

She led me to the basement, where Poppin'Party practices.
It's odd not seeing at least Kasumi there.

On a low table sat two bonsai plants.

"Oh, cool, bonsai," I said.

"Hm? Do you know a lot about bonsai?" Arisa asked.

"I... read up on it a bit."

"Reading can only get you so far. Sit back and watch a professional handle it!"

We sat down next to each other and she took out a few odd-looking tools.

"I'll start with Tamegawa," she said.


"Erm, n-nothing!" She deflected my question.

"Arisa, did you name your bonsai?"

"St-stupid! No, I didn't! I just... agh, whatever!"

She clipped a small part of the bonsai off flawlessly.

"See? Perfectly trimmed. Now, you do Tonegawa in front of you."

I stared at the bonsai in front of me.
"Hey, Tonegawa. Cool name you got there..."

"Don't be afraid," Arisa assured me. "Just trim a part of it on top."

I... I can do this.
I reached close with the cutting tool and neatly trimmed off a small part off the top.

"Ha! Voilà!"

"Nice job," Arisa congratulated me. "See? It's better doing this with someone you like... spending time with."

"Someone you like, huh?" I wondered.

"Idiot! I didn't say 'like'!" Arisa corrected me. "You're gettin' the wrong idea again!"

"You're red, Arisa," I teased.

It's so obvious she likes me now.
She's so cute when she blushes!

"I-I mean, it's not I LIKE you or a-anything, stupid!"

"Wait, what?" I teased more. "You're funny."

"Wai-wai-wai-wait a second, hold on!
D-don't look at my face! I mean, it's true I'm a little happy... But...!"

"Arisa, what if I said I liked you too?"

"Well, that's cool, but... wait, WHAT? I mean, I don't like you a whole bunch, but like, maybe a lot..."

Arisa was flustered, so I grabbed her hand to calm her down.
"It's okay, Arisa-chi."

"Arisa-- chi?" Arisa blushed even harder.
Blush any more, and she'll probably turn into a strawberry.

She stared at me, and her eyes sparkled with emotion.
It's rare to see her like this.

"Arisa-chi, may I... kiss you?"

"...You'd be stupid if you didn't," she told me.

We kissed at that moment.
We had our eyes closed, but I enjoyed every part of our kiss together. It was a long kiss. I don't want to break off from this.

But, finally, we stopped kissing.
"...Idiot," she said. "Why did you stop?"

I laughed.
"What, did you like it that much?"

"...No," she paused, then continued. "OK. Maybe a little."

I stood up.
"I guess it's time for me to head home. It's getting dark. I had a fun time tonight!"

"I did too," Arisa said. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, you dummy, you."

I climbed the stairs and left her basement, headed to my home, feeling very happy.

I wonder where we'll go from here.
I need to do something awesome for her.
Something crazier that even Hello, Happy World would do! Anything for my Arisa-chi.

Wait, speaking of the band...
There might just be somebody I can ask!

To be continued...

(A/N): This was a shorter chapter than usual, sorry! I hope to have more great chapters out soon!
Thank you for reading!

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