Chapter Six - "I-I Thought You Didn't Love Me"

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(A/N): I took your feedback into consideration! All two of you! Thanks for your input! I'll try something like this sometime again, but better. There's always next time.

So, let's see who (Y/N) chose!
Mashiro-chan, or Arisa-chi?

*(Y/N)'s POV*

No. I've made my choice.

"Mashiro-chan," I said. "It's tough to say this. But I am truly in love with...


Mashiro-chan looked at me.
"You really feel that way toward Arisa, huh? Even after what you did earlier..."

"I can still make things right. I'm sorry, Mashiro-chan. We can still be close."

"N-no... I don't like it that way! I want what's good for us! I really love you!"

Mashiro-chan began to cry.

She's still not giving up.
Mashiro-chan has such an undying love for me...

I grabbed Mashiro-chan's hands.

"Listen. I do appreciate you. A lot. You're a beautiful girl. I mean that."

"(Y/N)..." Mashiro-chan smiled. "You really played hard-to-get."

She stepped back.
"I understand now. I won't get between you and Arisa. One day, we'll be together, promise?"

I laughed. "Only time will tell."

I hope I'll be with Arisa forever.
Sorry, Mashiro-chan.
As much as I hate leaving you like this...

I have a girl to find.

I ran off toward the direction Arisa left to, leaving Mashiro-chan behind.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)!" Mashiro-chan shouted to me.

"Bye!" I shouted back.

Where could Arisa be?
Not near the movies...

Maybe her house, the Ryuseido?

I headed straight there.
Arisa-chi was standing near the entrance, still crying.

"A-Arisa-chi!" I called out.

"Wh-what do you want," she angrily yelled, looking away. "Why did you show your face here? Don't you have your girlfriend, Mashiro, to be with?"

"No," I said.

"What did you say?"

"I said, 'no'. Mashiro-chan isn't my girlfriend. She never was."

"Then, what was...?"

"The voicemail she put on speaker... It was only a section of it. The whole thing... I mentioned you by name. The girl I swore I loved, and to never leave."

"Wh-what?" Arisa-chi looked at me now.

"I mean, you've always been the only one for me. Always... and forever."
I walked closer to Arisa-chi.

"(Y/N)..." she repeated my name.

"I love you, Arisa-chi. And not even Mashiro-chan could come between that."

"Heh... Idiot," Arisa-chi said. "You almost made me think... you didn't love me."

Arisa-chi was now finally looking at me. She was still teary-eyed, but she was smiling at me.
She's so... beautiful under the night sky.

"I never stopped. I really, really love you."

Arisa-chi and I finally kissed right then.
It felt well-deserved.

After what I thought was about to be the worst night ever, and the worst date ever, it turned out to be the best date ever.

Although I'm still very sorry about what I had to do to Mashiro-chan.

But I have my Arisa-chi. My beautiful tsundere girl.
I feel that I made the right choice.

I slept at Arisa-chi's house that night, since it was late. Her grandma was quite welcoming to me.

Arisa-chi and I slept together, hand in hand. She slept on my shoulder, and I could hear her soft breathing.

I gave her one last kiss goodnight.
"Good night, my love."

Arisa-chi mumbled in her sleep.
"Mmm. Stupid..."

I chuckled quietly to myself.
"Ha. She still says that in her sleep. So cute."

I caressed her hair a bit too.
It's so smooth...

This is pure bliss.

I would not ask for any more.

Arisa-chi loves me with all her heart, and I do, too.

I know we have a bright future ahead of us, filled with more playful insults such as 'stupid', 'idiot', and the like...
More blushing and yelling...
I'll love every moment of it.

* * * *

The Next Day, Arisa's House, Before School

"Hey, Arisa-chi! Let's take a picture!" I asked her.

"Huh? Where'd this come from?!" Arisa-chi asked.

"Just because I want a memory of our time together, to look back on."

"S-sure..." she agreed. "Why not? Wait, all I have on are my pajamas!"

"It's fine, this isn't a formal dinner! C'mere! Let's use my phone."

"Wai-wai-wait!" Arisa began to blush.

"Okay! On three! Make a cute pose! Three!"


We took a photo. Arisa-chi was smiling and holding up two peace signs. I was winking at the camera with a big grin.

"You're so cute here, Arisa-chi," I said.

"Ehehe... Don't make me blush..."

"Now let's go to school!" I told her. "Get dressed!"

"H-hey...!" Arisa-chi complained.

And so, another day at school flew by.

Arisa-chi and I are so happy together.
And now, if I'm ever feeling down, I have a picture to look back to.
A picture of me and my girlfriend Arisa-chi.

Well, she's not just my girlfriend.

She's the top tsundere!


(A/N) again: And that's the end. Hope you all liked it!
I already have a great idea for the next girl! It shouldn't be that long when it comes out!
Thank you all for reading!

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