Sorting Ceremony

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Tom's P.O.V.:

        McGonagall had asked me to wait with the first years, and here I am waiting along with this bunch of foolish first years to be resorted publicly to a house. Dumbledore had strictly instructed me that I would be sorted once again so as to assure the other students. I had talked to the blonde and had already become friends with him, after all he should not know that I am a part of his Master Lord Voldemort, for I had to go as undetected as possible. Saint Potter had not seen me yet, so that was a good going, but I was now concerned about the witch who had offered her compartment to me, leaving me with the blonde who I now know as Abraxas Malfoy's grand son and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy's son - Draco Malfoy. 

        Flashback to the ride in Hogwarts Express: -

        The girl had left. Aria had left me with this foolish bloke and his group of cronies, after giving me a hearty laugh by giving him a torturous pain. The blonde along with his disgusting pair of orangutans introduced themselves to me.

        "Hey I am Draco, Draco Malfoy and these are Crabbe and Goyle. You don't want to go and mess around right. Anyway you are new here?"
        "Yes. I am."
        "What's your blood status. I am pure blood and so are Crabbe and Goyle."
        "Count me in." I lied. 
        I excuse myself and went out for a walk. It was while I was walking that I saw the Aria again. She was leaning against the door, her eyes close and her hair flying away, as it enjoying the wind. I even noticed that she had changed into her uniform, but what caught my interest was the red and gold emblem with a roaring lion. I then knew that she was a blood traitor a foolish Gryfindor. But all of a sudden the urge to save her came to my mind, and I rushed and pulled her in. But fortunately the train had come to a hault.
        "What is the matter with you, you could fall and get yourself killed." I blurted before I could compose myself.
        Slowly and slowly she opened her eyes and saw me but instead of being thankful she started to go livid, her hair started to become reddish black. She is a metamorphmagus! She looked at me with eyes which were narrowing every moment along with her lips, both of which were disappearing making me scared. I, the Dark Lord was scared at her sight. She did not utter a word, just stepped aside and waited at the gate. I saw a blonde man and a raven haired woman board the train along with a brunette man and a blonde woman. Her anger turned into a smile as her hair changed to golden, and taking their hands she went away.

        End of Flashback

        Whatever happened, I wanted to be sorted into the house of my ancestor - the house of Salazar Slytherin. And if I had to convince the oaf of the sorting hat, then I would even do that.

        Aria's P.O.V.
        I joined Harry, Hermione, Ron, my sister Elena and the others at the Great Hall. Harry hugged me again, while I saw my uncle Kol and uncle Garrick along with my aunt Merryn and aunt Sage go up the podium and sit at the staff table. Apart from the teachers who taught me, Elena, the Salvatores and the Grimaldis advanced magic, uncle Kol taught the Grimaldi's uncle Garrick taught the Salvatores, aunt Sage taught Elena and aunt Merryn taught me divine magic after school, so even if we were in the corridors after curfew, we were never in trouble.
        The doors of the Great Hall opened and the first years walked in along with McGonagall and the boy I had met on the train today - Tom Riddle. I don't know but the name sounded very familiar to me. I had met one Riddle in my second year in Hogwarts, right in the Chamber of Secrets itself, and now I wanted to glance carefully at this Riddle before drawing any conclusions. All my life I had learnt one major lesson, unlike my twin sister Elena, never jump to conclusions.
        The sorting ceremony began, and it went on for some time. It was the same as usual, and this year there were 15 slytherins, 20 hufflepuffs, 12 ravenclaws and 14 gryfindors. At last Dumbledore got up and introduced us to the new student.
        "This year we have a new student. We are pleased to welcome Mr. Thomas Riddle who will be joining with us in his fourth year after his three years at Durmstrang."
        Strange, I knew every student at Durmstrang, in my time at Bulgaria, and as far as my memory knew, there was no Thomas Riddle out there. The boy went up and sat on the stool. I now noticed his features very very carefully, pale skin, dark brown almost black curly hair neatly parted to the side, greyish green cold eyes, and high set jaws, just the teenage version of the man I met in my second year. I looked at Harry, it seemed he had deduced the very same thing, and so had Ginny. I now engrossed myself in thought, and soon deduced. Riddle's diary had been healed, and why aunt Merryn had sacrificed Mary. Because Tom Riddle - the Lord Voldemort - was back to Hogwarts. The hat was then put on him, and it had hardly touched his head when it screamed

                Of course.

Tom's P.O.V.
        I went to join my table, along with the oaf Malfoy and his minnions. I was indeed very hungry.  Dumbledore gave his speech about the rules and regulations of the school.
        "Now, let the feast begin."
        Soon the table was laid with food and I grabbed some food while, I ate slowly, I noticed the girl from the train. Aria was sitting right across me and was stirring her soup, engrossed in thought. I then wondered whether she knew my secret.

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