At The Night by The Black Lake

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  Aria's P.O.V.: -

        I entered the Gryfindor common room along with Harry, Elena and my peers. We went up to our respective dorm, I was to share the dorm room with Hermione, Ginny, Elena and Pavarti. I was lucky enough that it wasn't Lavender Brown, don't get me wrong but she was one big pain in the arse. We saw an owl at our dorm window, and Ginny opened it only to let the owl in. It dropped the letter and flew away. Ginny closed the window, as Hermione read the letter. It was from aunty Merryn, she told all of us - and by all of us I meant Elena, Eliza, Brieses, Honora, Amelia, Levi, Jared, Damien, Emmett and Niklaus and myself to meet them for our lesson. Elena and I gathered our books and ran down the corridors, along with Niklaus, the Salvatore girls and the Grimaldi boys for our lesson. Niklaus and the Grimaldi boys had got uncle Garrick while the Salvatore girls had got uncle Kol, Elena got aunty Sage, while I got the best one aunt Merryn.
        Aunt Merryn had told me to meet her by the Black Lake. As I passed the corridors, Professor Snape saw me and gave me a genuine smile. He knew why I was out. He knew about us being divine witches and wizards and we needed extra education. Even the dumb buffoon of a squib - our caretaker Argus Filch knew it. It was as if they had been instructed not to punish us even if we were out after curfew. The prefects knew this as well. I passed the corridors, and walked towards the Black Lake. It was a silent night, the sky was midnight blue, almost black, just the way I like. On the shore of the lake stood a woman of pale palor, raven hair and blue diamond eyes with rosy red lips - aunt Merryn. She turned when she heard me, and gave me a smile.
        "Good evening Bella, I see you are ready for your first lesson of the year."
        "Of course Professor Petrova."
        "Good. Now today, I will teach you how to create ripples on the water without the use of your wand. You remember the hand movement I taught you over the summer."
        "Show me. Let me see whether you remember." I swayed my hand and flicked the fingers of my palm. 
        "Good to see that you remember, just as I expected. Now say after me very clearly. Aqua Contoura."
        "Aqua Contoura." I said.
        "Good. Now try it with your hand movement. Concentrate the part of the lake waters you want to have the ripples on and say the enchantment. But, mentally. Only a powerful divine witch can do that. Remember you have to be mentally ready. If you are not, the water will not obey you. Let me show you for once then you can practise." She swayed her hand and flicked the fingers of her palm, and my goodness, big ripples spread on the extreme waters of the Black Lake.
        "See now you practise while I go to help Kol. And don't worry I am just going to help the Salvatore girls." Saying that aunty Merryn went away. I now looked at the lake. I was humming a sound, smelling the water of the lake, and then I was ready, mentally ready. I concentrated on the water near me, very very hard, and then said the damn spell mentally, swaying my hand and flicking my fingers. And I saw the ripples,  bigger than those formed by my aunt on the surface of the lake.

        Tom's P.O.V.: -
        I knew the way to the Slytherin common room. Just by reading the damn house prefect's mind I knew the password to the damn common room. I preferred to walk down the corridor, towards the Black Lake into the forest, to get some rats, so I could practise, my dark spell in the Room of Requirement. But when I was on my way to the forest, I saw somebody in front of the lake itself. She had pale sun-kissed skin and raven to ebony black hair. I would recognise this girl anywhere. I saw her carefully from a distance. She was swaying her hand and flicking her fingers, and I saw ripples forming on the waters of the Black Lake. I decided to take a detour to the forest and went my way, amazed at her power.

        Aria's P.O.V.: -
        I was practising when I felt someone's eyes on me. I mentally told my aunt Merryn that I was been stared and looked at like a spy looked on his prey, before stopping to practise. I sat for sometime, by the lake. I was becoming tired by every second not knowing when I fell asleep. It was after sometime that I felt somebody pick me up and carry me all the way to my room and put me to bed.

                Tom's P.O.V.: -
        I was done collecting the unconscious rats and moles. I walked  back to the castle, this time taking the route by the Black Lake, hoping Aria was not there. How wrong I was. She lay there by the tree, deep asleep. The light of the moon reflected on her face showing off her beauty. Her cascade of hair looked like drapes of the night sky. I picked her up and walked the way to the Gryfindor tower, reading the prefects mind about the password, and stood in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady.        
        "Bottleworm." The hole opened and I went in. Fortunately everybody were asleep. I went up finding the way to the girl's dormatory. After much wastage of energy, I found her dorm along with Mudblood Granger, and blood traitor Weasley and a girl called Pavarti Patil. There was another name - Elena Petrova. How many Petrovas are out here. I opened the door, but it did not open, making me knock the door. A girl who was an exact carbon copy of Aria, opened the door, but there was a difference she had onyx black eyes. She was about to scream, when she noticed her sister. She composed her features, opening the door further, leading me to Aria bed. I lay her, removing her shoes and covered her with the blanket. I saw her intently. She is beautiful. Wait did I just say that. I, the Lord Voldemort, cannot fall for a petty girl like Aria. She is nothing to me but a foolish Gryfindor, a blood traitor. God knows what her blood status would be. Disgusted with myself I left the dorm room, looking through the corner of my eyes to find her carbon copy smirking at me.

        Elena's P.O.V.: -
        I saw the way this Riddle boy, a guy from Slytherin was looking at my sister. His eyes were not full of lust, but full of adoration, admiration and love for my sister. No wonder, she did not get any genuine hearted guy until now. I was happy, smirking as I saw him leave our dorm. I saw at last that somebody was having a crush on my baby sister.

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