Elena's Conclusion

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        We went down to breakfast. As I was having food I had bubbling anger in me. And soon enough it was noticed by Harry.
        "Ati what's the matter, and why weren't you in your dorm? Why did to come with Riddle? he asked. 
        "That's because of me." said Elena.
        "And why's that?" asked Ron while chewing his pancakes. Ewww gross. I thought. No wonder Hermione and I find this so disgusting he is such a hogger and an eating machine, where the hell does all the food he hogs go anyway. 
        "Last night, Aria had a nightmare. We all have tried to calm her down earlier in life, even my aunts and uncles but to no avail. I had once read in maman's journal that Riddle was able to calm her when she was crying like hell as a baby. So I thought might as well give it try, and I went and called him. He managed to calm her down, so I told him to keep her for the night in his dorm, so if she gets another, then I need not worry about her."
        "Way to go Elle, did you know he has been more of his flirty, cocky, arsehole self to me. He has been trying to flirt hell even seduce me. He checks me out every now and then, it creeps the hell out of me, take now for instance, I bet you he is staring at me." I hissed at her.
        All the people of my gang turned to the Slytherin table and sure enough, Riddle was staring at me.
        "Well I found a way out, I'm showing him off to the schools, so other girls can check him out leaving me in peace." saying that I left the Great Hall. 

        Tom's P.O.V.: -

        I saw Petrova leave when her twin proceeded to my table. All of us stared at her. She sat down confidently beside me, making Malfoy and Zabini stare. 
                "So I see that you fell for her trap?!" she said. This utterly confused me. What did I fall for, what trap it she talking about?
        "What nonsense are you speaking now Petrova?" Malfoy hissed.
        "You see Malfoy, my sister noticed the way Riddle behaves around her. So she is showing him off to the entire school, which I can see the way Mr. Riddle has dressed today. And lemme tell you she is doing this so that she is left to peace by this lost pup sitting beside me." She said looking at me. This surprised me.
        "She is doing this so that I leave her alone?"
        "Yep." she said popping the p. "And I can see you are smitten by her. And don't try to deny it. You had dropped your sketch of her in the dorm yesterday. And I have something for you. She made these since she was 10 yrs of age. Believe me she does not hate you, she likes you.. She is simply in denial about that because she is scared about what she feels for you." Saying that she left the table, and went out of the Great Hall.
        I opened the roll, to find several sketches of me and a painting of me. The painting was beautiful, but the sketches were a beauty as well, but the person who made these is gorgeous.

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