Chapter 1

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Bakugou's POV

It's a Friday night. I just got home; I usually go back to my parents place on the weekend so that I can be by myself, well I'm always me but now I won't have to think twice about anything I do. Once I got to my room I took my binder off. Whenever my dad gets off work I'm going to ask if he can get me a new one, one that's not as tight. I know my dad is very supportive of me, but my mother, I don't know. It's not like she beats me or anything like that. She's says if I want to be a man I better fucking act like one. It seems like she doesn't understand like my dad does.

My dad came home around 5:45. I walked up to him and we talked a bit about the one I wanted. My dad then left and got me one, where at I don't know. The place doesn't matter I don't think my dad would give me something that will harm or indanger me.

I'm sitting on my bed when I get a text from Kirishima.

Shitty hair: Hey bakubro want to come and hang out with the rest of us? We're going to the park.

I didn't respond. I wasn't sure how to. I wanted to go out but it's unhealthy to wear a binder for 8 hours or more. I really need to get that surgery. I still need a few thousands until I have enough.

I really want to hang out with kiri tho, but the others would be there. I'll just tell him I don't want to hang out with the others so he doesn't feel bad. About 10 minutes later I texted him back.

Bakubro: I don't want to hang out with those fucks.

Shitty hair: Oh okay

Shitty hair: Can we hang out tomorrow? Just you and me? Pleeeaaassseee

I laughed softly when he texted back and said sure. It seemed like he really wanted to hang out and I always have a hard time telling him no. I don't understand why he likes hanging out with me so much. I'm not complaining I just want to know how someone as great and amazing as him would want to be around someone as mean and rude as me.Yes I know I can be a jackass, but I can be nice too...sometimes..

I got to thinking after he texted me. What if he found out? Would he still want to be my friend? What if he thinks I'm not manly anymore? What if he hates me?

I had to snap myself out of my thoughts. Kirishima isn't like that; I reminded myself. Kirishima isn't going to judge me to much. Kirishima isn't going to hate me.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the messages. He had sent an ass ton of thank yous.

I wonder where we are going. Maybe we are going to go and eat, maybe we are playing games or watching a movie. Knowing kiri there's no telling.

I switched on the tv and started watching random cooking shows until I feel asleep. It was around 8:32 my bedtime.

Kirishima POV

"BAKUGOU SAID HE'D HANDOUT WITH ME!" I yelled loudly and shoved my phone into Mina's face. I was over at Mina's place. It was just us two. Her parents knew we were both gay so they weren't worried about anything. I didn't think that Bakugou would want to. He's so manly! God I could talk about how amazing and manly he is all day long.

Mina looked happy for me "See I told you he likes you" she had a 'I told you so' face on.

I then looked at her and tried to think about what we would do. "Mina I don't know what we are going to do.."

We both started to think I then shouted "LaserTag! AND we can go to his favourite restaurant, it has the spicest food there."

"Yeah I think that's a great idea kiri!" She smiled at me.

That night me and Mina planned everything. We even added in a few more things to do. I also made sure I had more then enough money for the both of us. Knowing Bakugou he'll probably bring some money just in case.

Should I text him to tell him what I'm planning? I thought about that for a good 10 minutes. I decided that not telling was the best. I will tell me to wear something comfy even though he will most likely wear something like that anyway.

Around 10ish I started to get tired. I yawned and stretched my arms out. "Hey Mina, I think I'm gonna go to sleep now" I looked over at her so see she's already passed out.

I then walked over to my spot and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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