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I'm so sorry I know it's been a while. I've just been going through some things lately and some of the shit that has happened only made everything worse. I'm sorry if this seems rude but I put my mental and physical health and issues before my stories. I knew the story quality would be bad and the length of each chapter would be significantly shorter too. I want to give you guys a good story with a good plot, something to keep you entertained but with how I was it wouldn't happened plus I thought I needed to take care of myself first which I already said.

I feel like I own you all an explanation on why it took so long, I won't go into too much detail about what has happened.

Not long after I posted chapter 4, maybe a day or two some drama started in my friend group. I always do my best to keep out of it but this time I wasn't that lucky. It was the whole "he said she said' kinda thing about me and one of my friend's boyfriend cheating with each other (I had been in a relationship at the time)

Normally that wouldn't bug me, but they all thought that I had cheated without proof too. This plus my anxiety put me in a bad mental state. My boyfriend dumped me and I didn't know what to do. I didn't have many friends at the time because of this. There had been no proof of cheating or anything yet they all said I was a slut and such because someone said they saw me kissing blah blah's boyfriend. Their boyfriend had been one of my best friends so I of course talked to them and hung out with them, which they used me hanging out with him and having his number as their proof. The boyfriend (let's call him T) had things much worse then me because he had been cheated on many times. One night he had enough and tried to kill himself. (This was like a week after the drama first started) T has been dealing with depression, his girlfriend had been so helpful before this started. After that I felt like it was my fault, I didn't try hard enough to stop the drama. Thankfully he didn't die. Unlike T I had another friend group, there isn't many of them but I had them. Guess what, drama happened there too, plus drama from the past had been brought up. I was so done with everything and everyone. I'm not sure when but I had deleted everything(my social media) and yet again my money and home life had been a topic, half of them where saying I was spoiled and didn't know what it felt like to have any problems because I had money and good parents who were together. The other half knew that I was adopted and still working on letting my mother go (she had died and I blamed myself because I couldn't save her. I was a kid at the time btw) another thing that had been brought up is my eating disorder. Some said it was fake for attention and other said it was a real problem. (I have arfid) it ended by me leaving the friend group, now I had little to no friend, a very bad mental state and I didn't know how to handle any of it. I talked to one of my friends and ended up getting myself some professional help. Now I would like to say I'm still a teen/kid and I'm still learning, like how to cope and get rid of toxic people. I don't want to give my age, which I think is understandable.

There's alot of things I left out because I'm not trying to tell a sob story and play victim. I just feel like you should know why I was gone so long. And like I said I have anxiety, bad anxiety. It's something I've had to deal with for a long time, so that didn't help me. I'm better now, and I can't wait to get the next chapter out. I'll try to post it by the end of this week. I have alot of ideas for it but if you guys have any I would love to hear them.

Also thank you all for being so patient with me.

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