Chapter 4

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I heard for a loud voice I know too well...




My outfit.

My eyes were wide.



It was fucking Kirishima!

I also wasn't wearing my binder so I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him.

He was looking at what I was wearing. I started to walk to the living room and he tugged at my (his) shirt.

"That's my shirt. Why do you have it?" he smirked. And I fucking melted. He looked so hot like that, but he's always hot but I mean fuck-



Breath Katsuki, it's just a smirk.

"I....umm....N-No?.." fuck that's not how it was supposed to come out.

He chuckled softly and let go walking over to the couch. He sat down and I sat next to him.

"You know it sounds like you know it's not yours" he looked over at me.

I grabbed the remote and quickly changed the topic. "So why did you come over?" I asked turning some cartoon on.

"Your mom said you had something to tell me" he said.

I glared at my mother as she brought us breakfast.

I quickly stuffed my face so I couldn't say anything but then kiri said "slow down! You don't want to choke do you?" Which caused me to choke on my food. As I was coughing he patted my back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you choke" Kirishima said. I have no clue what I looked like but I was sure I was blushing. But if he really made me choke I wouldn't be complaining- you didn't hear that...

And holy hell why is he so innocent?

"I-its okay kiri" I looked at him and slightly smiled.

He smiled back and we started eating. It also looked like he was blushing.

We were talking and watching tv. I totally forgot about my binder because of how nice it was to be near him.

Shark bois POV

Some time after waking up I saw that bakus mom texted me telling me to come over and that bakugou had something to tell me. I wonder what it is. I texted back that I'll head over. I put a red hoodie on and some pants then left. I was let into their house once I got there and his mom started breakfast. I was waiting on the couch when she yelled at bakugou. Not long after he came down and straight into the kitchen. I followed behind.

I yelled walking into the kitchen and damn... He looked so good in my clothes. Bakugou then started to walk to the living room and I tugged at my shirt. It's been missing for a awhile now, now I know why. I wonder how much he wears it. Its actually pretty cute.

"That's my shirt. Why do you have it?" I said while smirking.

His face turned all sorts of different shades of red and pink.

"I....umm....N-No?.." He responded and it was adorable.

I had chuckled softly and let go walking over to the couch. I sat down on his couch and was a little suprized at how close he sat to me. We were touching close.

An idea popped into my head and I just had to do it.

"You know it sounds like you know it's not yours" i looked over at him waiting to see his reaction.

He grabbed the remote and quickly changed the topic. "So why did you come over?" He asked turning some cartoon on.

"Your mom said you had something to tell me" I responded. He was still blushing.


He then shot his mother a glare at his mother as she brought us breakfast. She was clearly happy with herself.

He quickly stuffed his face with food and I laughed softly "slow down! You don't want to choke do you?" Which had caused him to choke anyways. As he was coughing i patted his back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you choke" i said. His face was somehow redder then my hair and that's when I knew he took it the wrong way.. I don't know what's wrong with my but the only thing I could think of at that moment of him choking on my-


I metally yelled at my self knowing it would just likely wnd bad.

"I-its okay kiri" he looked at me and slightly smiled.

I smiled back and we started eating. I couldn't help but blush from both what just happened and his cute little smile.

"But really what is it?" I asked again.

He mumbled something and held his arms close to himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you"

"I said  . .... ... ........" (I like you fuckface)

I chuckled and hugged him from the side. I didn't think he would hug back but he did.

"I said that I like you..."

"I like you to baku!" I didnt understand. I already knew he liked me, we are friends.

"No I like like you"

I paused trying to register what he just said.


I chuckle and hugged him tighter. "Well in that case....I also like like you" I smiled.

He looked at me and rested his head on my chest "that's good also there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" I asked.

My Pride | MHA/BNHA | Trans Bakugou x KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now