Chapter 5

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( so some 18+ish things happen. Not anything like fucking or handjobs. Also this is my longest chapter yet. I'm so proud of myself ngl. Also I wanted to know of I should add smut, there will be warnings for that though. And if the answer is yes what should some of their kinks be?)
He looked at me and rested his head on my chest "that's good also there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" I asked.

Baku's POV

I took a deep breath. I have to tell him. If we're going to be together he needs to know... "Promise not to hate me please.."

He looked confused, but he still imminently said "I could never hate you blasty"

I started fumbling with my thumbs. I was so nervous. I just needed him to say he promises, he never goes back on a promise because it's not 'manly' I took another breath "Just.. promise me okay.."

He went quite, he then said "I promise, I'll never hate you" he then flashed his big goofy toothy smile, God I love that fucking smile so damn much.

I took a deep breath, I trust kirishima.

It's now or never.

Kirishima's POV

He took a deep breath. He then said "Promise not to hate me please.."

I was confused. Still i imminently said "I could never hate you blasty" why would he ever think I would hate him? How could I? Bakugou is so amazing.

He started fumbling with his thumbs, I thought it was cute. But then again alot of things he does I find cute, he's just cute. He then said "Just.. promise me okay.." it wasn't loud or demanding, it seemed like it was for reassures. I wonder why whatever this is, is making him so nervous.

I then said "I promise, I'll never hate you" I then flashed my signature toothy smile. I've realized lately that when I smile bakugou also smiles, but only when the others aren't around or looking..

It'd be so nice if the reason why I was the only one to see it was because he thought I was special. I mean he said he likes me (which is already amazing) but his smile is so beautiful, I wish I could see it more. Bakugou is definitely special to me!

I was pulled out of my thought when bakugou pulled me closer after taking a breath. He then said "I-..I'm Transgender..." he closed his eyes, and hid his face in my chest. I think he was scared of what my face would look like.

I smiled "You're still the manliest man I know" I can see why he was scared, but I honestly thought it was so manly how he was able to tell me. I have no clue what I looked like all I know is that bakugou looked so happy.

He had the biggest smile on his face. And I swear the sun didn't even shine nearly as bright as him, he was glowing. I could die of happiness right now. He hugged me tighter and said "Does this mean we can be boyfriends now?.." It was in a soft tone, he sounded happier then a kid who got candy store for their birthday. It was adorable.

"Yes, yes, absolutely! You can be my boyfriend!" I yelled happily, this is the best day ever. Even better then getting into UA.

He then asked in a almost whispered voice "c-can I.. kiss you?.." my heart melted, it was so adorable. It's kinda funny to think that bakugou katsuki, who is known for his explosive personality and attitude can be so soft and sweet. I'm not sure anyone would believe me without proof.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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