Chapter 2

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I then walked over to my spot and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.


Bakugou's POV

I woke up around 8:30. I sat up in my bed and yawned while stretching my arms out. I blinked a few times so that my eyes would adjust to the lighting. I pulled my cover off and sat at the edge of my bed. I just sat there for a little bit. "I wonder what Kirishima has planned today." I checked my phone and saw that he had said to wear something comfy.

I got out of my bed then I made my bed. I hate having a messy room. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a random outfit. I ended up with a light orange hoodie, a black shirt and some ripped black jeans. I grabbed some orange converse to match my ourfit then headed down stairs to make myself some breakfast.

Once I finished breakfast I went back to my room. I laid on my bed and watched tv until I heard the doorbell. "That must be Kiri" I said smiling. I then went down and opened the door. Sure enough it was my red headed best friend. "Hey, just let me put my shoes on"

He smiled "Okay bakubro! I can't wait to get going. I think you're gonna like what I have planned."

"And what is it you have planned?" I asked standing up from putting my shoes on.

"It's not a suprized if you know" he smiled proudly.

I rolled my eyes "well let's get going then"

He had this huge goofy smiled on his face, and I couldn't help but love it. We walked to this neon color building. I looked at the sign 'Laser tag' it read. Then it hit him "We're playing laser tag?!" I was super excited. I get to shoot people and nothing bad happens to me!

"Yep! I knew you'd like it!" He still had that big goofy smile on his face.

Then we went inside. Kirishima had paid and then we put our vest and stuff on.

"You're going down!" I yelled at him.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that!" He yelled back.

We then went into the game zone/area. We played for about 30mins when I was declared winner. Kirishima then challenged me to a rematch. He fucking cheated somehow and won. This went on until 1:30 or so. I had won in the end. I beat him by two games.

Kirishima then took me to my favourite restaurant. I of course got my favourite spicy meal with some coke. Kirishima just got some Ramen and coke.

I need to get home. My binder is starting to hurt. I didn't want to ruin dinner though so I'll just wait a little longer.

Once we finished I looked over to kiri. "Hey dude, I need to go home. The hag didn't know I left" that sounds believable right? Yeah just go with..

Kirishima  POV

I'm so happy. Today has been really good. Bakugou beat me at laser tag, but only by two games!

After we ate Bakugou said he needed to go home, apparently he didn't tell his mom he was coming out. "Need me to walk you home?" I asked. I didn't want him to be lonely. I was surprised when he said yeah.

We strolled down to the train station. He had his hands in his pockets and every now and then I'd catch him looking at me, he would insistently look away...blushing? I'm not sure, all I know is that his face was pinky-red. I got on the train with him and went all the way to his house. Once we were at his gate thingy I waved bye "See you later bakubro!"

"Later!" He yelled back as he walked to his house.

I then went to mine. My parents were still at work so they had no idea I was out. I took a quick shower since I was a little smelly and then went to bed.

Bakugou's POV

Kirishima asked if he could walk me home. I wanted to spend more time with him so I agreed. We walked to the station. I looked at him the whole time but every now and then he would look over at me and smile, I looked away not wanting to be caught. I'm pretty sure I was though. Once we got to my place he yelled "See you later Bakubro!" And waved bye.

"Later!" I yelled back as I walked to my front door. I saw my dad's car. When I walked in I saw my parents on the couch. My mom waved "How'd it go Kat? Have you asked him out yet?"

"W-WHAT? I-I" how does she know I like him! Is it that obvious?

"Calm down. A mother always know, okay that might be a lie but I can just tell, you are my son. You need to man up and ask him out already. I mean you are a man right?" She said smiling.

"Yeah I am. It's just I don't want to ruin our friendship over a crush.."

She got off the couch and walked over, she roughed up my hair and said " From what I heard about him he isn't like that. Unless you're lying to me. But I'm sure it will be fine."

My dad walked over and hugged me "Let's just watch some tv. I'm sure Kat is tried."

I smiled softly and nodded. We watched some tv. I then showered and went to bed. Today was good. And maybe I should listen to my mom.

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