Your first drafts will always suck...

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If you're struggling with just beginning...

I suspect you may just be expecting too much from a first draft. The first revision of anything probably sounds crappy and pretentious. Just sit down and write a story to completion and then revise it again, and again and again... Getting feedback from others, particularly an inexpensive professional editor will help a lot too.  (try

I think the expectation of most fiction writers is that the first 5, 10, 20 things written will all suck. You just have to keep at it.

It also helps if you have a deep knowledge of whatever you happen to be writing about. I recently read "Take Down" by James Swain. It was peppered with neat anecdotes and tricks that grifters use to rip casinos off. That kind of detailed knowledge makes the story interesting and more believable.

This may be a bit trite, but... read a lot. Not necessarily the great works of fiction, either, but other authors who write for a modern audience and are moderately successful at it. Particularly those who do short stories. Pay attention to their technique.

- Written by a [deleted] user on Reddit

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