Solangelo (Will + Nico)

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(A/N: I got this AU idea off tumblr. I believe the user was ficfacfoe, so credit goes to them. Thank you)

"Good job today guys!" The producer clapped her hands, "Tomorrow we shoot the sex scene! Solace, di Angelo, be ready."

Neither looked at the other as they nodded and went their separate ways.
Nico made his way to his dressing room to pick up his stuff and left quickly, wanting to be home already to relax. He lived in a two story house with the closest neighbors a mile off in each direction. His sister lived with him but she was on a trip with her boyfriend for the week so he was alone in the big house. He missed her but there nothing he could do. He parked his car in the garage and made his way upstairs to his room.

He needed a bath.

He stripped on his way to his bathroom. He turned on the faucet and let the hot water fill up the hot tub and looked for his bubbles. So he liked bubble baths. Sue him. He added quite a lot of coconuty bubbles before he turned off the faucet and settled in. He sighed, he could feel his muscles unwind and relax in the burning water.

He must've fallen asleep because he woke up disoriented and prune-like in semi warm water at the sound of the doorbell going off. What time was it? He groaned and got out. He grabbed his bath robe and tied it. He checked the clock on his way downstairs. Four AM?! He grabbed his cellphone and the fireplace poker before going to the door. He looked through the peephole. "Will?" He threw the poker into the living room and swung open the door. "What are you doing here? It's four in the fucking morning Solace! We have work tomorrow!"

"We need to practice." His words were slurred and the stench of alcohol hit Nico.

"You're drunk." He stated.

Will giggled, "We need to practice the sex." He whispered the last word.

Nico frowned, annoyed. He grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. "Get in here you drunk bastard."

"Ooo, you're not even dressed. Perfect." He roamed his eyes over Nico and he blushed as he pulled him into the living room. Will saw it as an opportunity to pin him down on the couch.

"Get off me!" He punched him in the jaw and Will fell off the couch into a sitting position against the couch, he held his chin.

"Ow." He looked at Nico with the look of a scolded puppy.

"We are not having sex, Solace." He glared at him, sitting on the couch and looking down at him.

Will let go of his chin and looked sadly at the floor. "But I like you. I've had feelings for you for a while now. I like you Nico di Angelo."

Nico stared at him. His mouth was hanging open in shock. Will glanced at him, checking if he'd say anything, when he didn't, he got up and went to the door.

Nico got out of his shock and got up after him. "Where are you going?"


Nico didn't get how he drove here this drunk but he wasn't going to let him do it again. "No you aren't. You're staying the night. Or what's left of it." Will grinned at that and Nico led him to the spare bedroom upstairs.

With his face burning red, Nico helped Will out of his clothes and into spare sweats. He tucked him in and was closing the door behind him when he heard Will, "Goodnight Neeks. I love you."

Nico froze. "Yeah... I like you too Will. Maybe I'll ask you out sometime." He looked down and closed the door finally.



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