Cow Head, also known as Gozu, is considered the scariest horror story ever written. It is supposed to be so terrifying that you will tremble for days before dying of fright after hearing the story.
"Cow Head" was first discovered in Japan around the 17th century. The origin of the story is still a mystery to this day.
Many people describe it as a story too horrible to tell.
The story of Cow Head was too dangerous and most copies of it were burned years ago. It is said that only fragments of the original story still exist. The people who read the story never lived long enough to repeat it. There was an Elementary school teacher who came into possession of some parts of the original story. The teacher was taking his class on a school trip and he was in the habit of entertaining the kids on the bus with Ghost stories.
He said that he would tell them the Legendary and Forbidden story of "Cow Head." Before the teacher could finish the first sentence, the students began to panic.


"Don't tell us!"

The children cried. One child covered his ears, and the others started screaming. The teacher refused to stop and his eyes went blank as he proceeded with the horrific story. It was like some unseen force took over his mind. An hour later, the teacher  regained his senses and he found the bus crashed into a ditch.
All of the children fainted and the bus driver was  sweating and shivering. The teacher never talked about "Cow Head" again...

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