Aka Manto (Red Cloak)

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Aka Manto is a Japanese urban legend about a ghost who wears a red cloak and likes to haunt school/public bathrooms.
He often haunts girls bathrooms.

If you are sitting on the toilet in the last stall of the bathroom, Aka Manto will appear and ask you, "Do you want Red or Blue toilet paper?"

Another version of this legend, he will ask if you want a Red cloak or a Blue cloak.

If you choose Red, your flesh will be torn apart and your body will be covered in your own blood.

If you choose Blue, you will be strangled and all of your blood will be drained from your body.

If you try to outsmart Aka Manto by choosing a different color..
He will drag you to hell.

Sometimes if a person chooses Yellow.. their head will be forced into the toilet.

It is said that if you ignore Aka Manto or say that you don't want any kind of cloak or paper, he will go away.

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