Baby Blue, Blue Baby Game

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Baby Blue, Blue Baby is an urban legend similar to Bloody Mary.

How to play Baby Blue, Blue Baby:

At night, go into the bathroom alone.

Turn off the lights and lock the door.

Stand in front of the mirror and stare at it.

Hold out your arms like you are rocking a baby and say, " Baby Blue, Blue Baby" 13 times.

If you do this right, you will feel an invisible baby in your arms.

The baby will start to scratch your arms.

Quickly Take the invisible baby, flush it down the toilet and run out of the bathroom.

If you don't get out of the bathroom fast enough, a scary woman
will appear in the mirror.

"GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!" She will scream at you and break the glass.

If you still have the baby, she will escape from the mirror and kill you...

It is said that this is Bloody Mary..

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