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He hiccups before placing a larger hand on mine, slowly rubbing his cheek into my palm. Like he was silently begging for comfort.

I slowly wrap myself around him with uncertainty, fear crawls up my spine. But all dissipates when he melts into me, borrowing into my chest loud sobs creeping out of lips. He squeezes me tight, for the first time. He's given me a real hug, not forced by his father or pairs, but by his choice. His actions, rather than tearing down my walls leaving an aching me behind he's building me up. Making me stronger, all because of this stupid love that I carry for him.

I join in with him, as our cry's seem to drift into the evening. Dying with the sun as the night takes over, filling the skin with deep purples and black. Small star twinkle above. I drift into the first comfortable sleep I've had in a while, wrapped tightly under Shotos monster grip. His face still hidden, but the cry's long gone.

I shoot up as I get abruptly woken up by a yell.
"Get out!"
It was Sho- todoroki...

I stand and sway slightly, just waking up is and was never my strong suit.
I stutter, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

He storms towards me, his hair messed up and eyes wild.
"You seduced me?! Filthy! Get out!"
He screamed, I shrink back.

"What are you on about?"
I croak quickly sliding towards the door, hoping to slip out with no worries.

"I woke up with you under me?! That's more than enough evidence for me to say you seduced me!"

My eyes widen as memories from last night flood my mind, I grow angry at such statement.
"What are you talking about?! I would never do such thing!"
I fire back, scrunching my brows together.

"I would never lower myself down to Yaoyorozus level ever in my life!"
I screech before stomping out the door.

Who does he think he is?! I helped him once more, and this is how he repays me?  Ugh how annoying.
I kick the sidewalk while huffing further, he's really annoying me now.
Maybe I shouldn't have gone
Maybe I shouldn't have helped him.
I just fell into another one of his traps, making me start right back at square one. I let out a low growl of annoyance. I'm so stupid.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupi-

In the midst of me hitting myself a man completely covered in black approaches me, his black hair lightly peaking out of the hood.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now