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I stand by the door ready to start the next exam, just rescue some children and older people. sounds relatively easy. But without a quirk? maybe not so much.

I refuse to use my quirk. Im not going to use it. No no no no no. Full stop End of story.

I huff and crack my knuckles before pulling away in disgust, they felt all icky and gross. That was until I realised there was dried blood all over my skin, it coated ever single knuckle and finger in a thick dark red.

I wince before quickly looking away.

"Good luck Y/n!...."
I hear Uraraka call with a nervous smile, I nod at her and look away guilt sinking in.

Damn I just want to go home.

I want to leave this place.

I had rescued about  5 or 6 people so far, most being very easy. But now a 'Villain' has shown up. Gang Orca.
Slowing down my progression greatly.

"Dammit.... what to do.. what to doooo."
I whisper to myself, then the air caught in my throat as I heard a piercing scream.

I whip towards the sound only to find a pair of helpless people stuck in the rumble, a child and a older lady. The little girl seemed to bleeding. but what concerned me was the 'villain' was going towards them.

The little girl started sobbing as he grew closer, my heart starting thumping hard as my fingers starting tingling. Then a strong instinct kicked in, sending me sprinting forward. Gang Orac then decided to send a fist towards the pair.

I angrily yell before sliding infront them, his very strong punch came into contact with my forearms that were held in a x shape. I wince as I feel my bones, ache under the pressure .

He presses further down as I slowly inch back, my skin grating away against the gravelly ground.

I call out, my voice an octave higher as pain started settling in. Panic also taking place inside my pained body.

"M-my  grandma- her leg is hurt really bad! I cant carry her, i'm not strong enough!"
The little girl dressed into a ripped yellow dress cries, her cheek cut open.

I turn my head to look her in the eyes, my own showed pain but I had to be strong.
"You're very-"

"Tch little hero! You can't hold me for much longer, this isn't even my full strength!"
Gang Orca calls before pushing literally 10 times more harder, I whimper our breathing deeply.
Be strong.
My breath was shaky but I still held my position.

"M-Miss! Are you okay?!"

I turn to her before giving me the brightest smile I could muster.
"Call me Ember... Now don't be afraid, I'll save you and you're Grandma! You can count on me!"

I gulp before mustering you the rest of my power, here goes nothing.

"Be ready to jump to the left, okay little sunflower?"
The little girl nods hesitantly before grabbing her grandmas hand, I nod reassuringly.

I smile before aiming my arms away and pushing against his fist and jump to the side grabbing the two , Gang Orcas fist slams into the ground. A loud bang sounds out before dust flies up into the air, I shield the two with my body as pieces of rumble fly out and hit me. Many go into my already injured shoulder, but I don't budge.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now