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"Don't blame me your the one that took it off!"
I speak back to Bakugo, I feel a hand on the small of my back before bone chilling cold takes over.

Todoroki fucking froze me, I slow down dramatically as they both run ahead. I just push forward, the cold seemed to bring a sharp pain to my skin, making me wince at every little movement.

But fuck it.
I just sprint faster, the ice slowly sliced into my skin, red leaking out into the sharp thin layer of white, painting it a beautiful colour.
I reach the end as I place forth, I crumple to the ground with a loss of breath.
The crowd cheers loudly, dulling the aching in my body just the slightest bit the pain on my back still grew.

No no no no.

I slam a fist down onto the ground, my teeth gritted hard.
Not good enough. No no no no.
I choke up as tear seemed to slowly build up, no not here please.

I push up onto my knees and hands, blood rolled down my side and onto the ground dripping rather quickly.

My hair covered my eyes like a curtain, shutting the world out from my own. I hit the ground repeatedly before a large hand on top of the freezing alarms me. The spot grew hot as I immediately knew who it was.

"Don't fucking touch me"
I growl out, I whirl around standing up in the process, my teeth bared.

"I'm trying to help"
Todoroki snaps back, reaching out to grab my wrist.

"I said don't fucking touch me"
His eyes flash with hurt but my mind must be playing tricks on me, he could never feel something for me other then anger, he's just a fucking robot for his pathetic father.
A lifeless bastard.
My words could be seen through my rage burning eyes, he snarls but leaves finally.

I go to turn back around but many eyes of other contestants stare straight at me, I growl loudly as they seem to shrink away in fear.

"Fucking dumbass"
I hear another familiar voice call, I turn towards the angry blonde, he sighs angrily at me before waving me towards him.
I roll my eyes but not he less complie and approach him, he turned me around before lightly peeling the layer of ice off, it hurt like a bitch but it would be better than melting it since the hot water would mix into my wound.
As he's doing this one hand is lightly resting against my exposed waist, sending shivers up my spine.

"Sorry I know it must hurt."
He softly speaks, if only he knew its not the cold but his large hands I want to touch me all over-. No.

I squeAk, trying to rid of all thoughts about him. Damn you brain.

I turn around Before looking at the ground rubbing a hand up and down my forearm.
"I'm sorry for you shirt but the way fucktard. Just make sure you win this next challenge I want to verse you idiot"
He growls walking away leaving me by myself with raging thoughts. I fight off the bright blush that screamed for attention, after my face calmed down I prepared for the next challenge with a still aching back.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now