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Shotos POV

I watched in slow motion as she got ripped from my grasp, screaming as the ground tore her skin.
And then... nothing.

She was gone.

I sit there, breathing rapid and tears brimming.

No. Please.

"no.......no...no...no.. no no no no No No NO!"
My screams could be heard miles away, the pain evident.
I repeatedly slam my fist into the ground, dust flying every where.

"WHY?! WHY HER?!... Why?!"
My voice cracked, showing how broken I felt. She slipping away.

I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't save her. After all these years. The one time I had the chance to show her my true feelings. And she manages to slip away. It's my fault... all of it.

I slam my fist down harder than before, my skin red and irritated. It ached so bad, but the pain in my heart was unimaginable.

Arms wrap around my body and I thrash against them, they let me go out of surprise. I spin around and sit in shock, the tears didn't fall. They couldn't.

The doctor reached out again, their eyes holding concern.

"Don't touch me!"
I slap his hand away, cradling my own. I could still feel her skin against mine. Then... then my cheeks grew wet. And weird noises left my throat.

"I'm trying to help.. please let me help you."
He called out softly, trying to comfort me.
But I didn't respond, I was in absolute shock. My body numb, as tears just streamed down my face.

The doctor helped me to my feet and I followed like a robot. They sit me in some car thing, then everything seemed to sink in.

"If-... if only I held on... she'd still be here."
I whisper, clutching my hands to my chest. Staring numbly at the ground. People bustled around me, helping injured students. Teachers talking about the current situation and I-... I just couldn't focus. He face. It was flashing before my eyes, the fear. The confusion. I could see it all. It was like  I've been sent right back into that memory, it was so clear... it scared me.

"God... I'm so-"
My voice cracks, tears hitting my bruised hand.

"I'm so sorry"
I cried silently, praying that she'll be okay.

Please god. Keep my baby safe. Keep her safe, so I can apologise. Please. It's all I ask..... please.

Y/n's POV

I get thrown against a hard wall before being restrained, my head slammed against the wall a loud noise resonated around the room.

I tried to focus but all I could hear was his voice, it was bouncing around my head. The pain was so clear, and it hurt me so bad. He looked so desperate. And i couldn't do anything about it. But I shouldn't care... I have Bakugo now... right?

My head was all over the place and I couldn't help but cry out in confusion.

A knife flys and hits the wall beside me, I freeze instantly. Side eyeing the sharp and glinting blade before turning to the culprit.

Then my heart sunk.
Some of the biggest villains known were Infront of me, some I've never seen and others that were plastered all over the news. What-

"Oi Toga.. you cant harm her remember? Or do you want to be skinned by him."
I watch as Dabi saunters past a blushing blonde, a knife being twirled in her grasp.

"I'm sorry~ she was being so loud! And I couldn't help but want to put a knife in her pretty little head."
My eyes widen as I feel dread wash over me, what the-
Then someone groans besides me, I try my best to turn towards the person but there is only so much you can do when strapped to a wall.

Wait... Bakugo?

"B-Baku-... Katsuki?!"
I call, pulling against my straps.

"I won't try to escape doll. Or we will kill you and him in seconds."
Dabi speaks up, lazily eyeing me.

I feel angry boil in me.
"I-... I thought I knew you?! On that street... when I first met you?! You-.. you were.. good.. not some dirty villain!?"
I cry out, my eyes burning.

"You felt so familiar.. I-.. I-.. I thought you could be someone I knew?!"
Dabi stands up and walks toward me, he towers over my small form before leaning down.

"Well you were wrong. Don't trust villains doll. Or-"
I go to launch at him but these stupid restraints held me down, he laughs before retreating back into his place. I angrily start shout before he walks in.


Bakugous angry voice cuts off the scratchy blue haired mans voice.

I eye the angry blonde and cry out his name, he tunes he head fully to me since he wasn't as tied down.

"Shut them up"
The blue haired man piped up before two knifes fly through the air and hit the wall besides us, but the knife that got thrown at me didn't miss, it sliced a cut into my skin. My shoulder screamed in pain and I winced as blood bubbled to the surface, trailing down my skin. The fabric of my white singlet was dirtied but the blood slid down and stained it even further.

"Oh would you look at that~ her blood is just as pretty as her-"

"I thought I said you can't harm her."
An unknown voice cuts in.
Everyone turns to him, a large man with a short black scruffy hair and slight stubble looks angrily at the blonde girl. He makes his way over to me, i tense and swallow thickly.

"Y/n... darling. It's been so lo-"
He starts, brushing a hand against my cheek. I flinch away before glaring at him.

"Who the hell are you?! How do you know my name?!"
He laughs before pulling back and smiling softly at me, by now everyone was beyond confused.

"You remind me so much of her."
I freeze before looking away from this mysterious man.

"W-who are you?"
I croak, staring him down. He sighs before patting my hair, a sad look in his eye.

"Y/n... listen....I'm your father."


𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now