Chapter 2

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Rain was pouring, winds were blowing, sky was so dark that no one could tell if it was day or night. She was standing there, under the rain, wet to her bone, but the smile on her face was brighter than any sun. Her hands were in the air, and she was jumping in the puddles of water. Everyone around her was running, some covering there head in there coats, some were under umbrellas, some put there books on there head to hide from the rain. But she was there in the middle, clothes soaked and water was dripping from her every part, but not subsiding her smile.

Suddenly everything changed, like a flash of light. No one was running, sun was out. Everyone was smiling and going to there destination. There was no rush, no one was soaked, except for her. She was soaked, standing in that puddled water but this time no smile but a dark frown on her face. Rain was pouring but only on her. Her cloths were dripping wet, her hair sticking into her face. Her eyes were red and she was crying. The rain was hiding her pain but it was visible in her eyes.
"You hurt me" her voice was whisper but I heard it clearer. It was filled with pain, anger, disappointment and hate? I tried to reach to her but I couldn't move.  And suddenly I couldn't breath too. I couldn't voiced out her name, I tried but nothing happened only the suffocation increases. She started to disappear or I might starting loosing my sight? I tried to reach out my hand but I felt like someone was grabbing me not allowing me to move.

He woke up, soaked with sweat and panting roughly. Pushing away the blanket that was covering his face and actually suffocating him when he was sleeping. He kicked it down and grabbed his heart while patting it like a child. His heartbeat was on fire. The cold air suddenly hit him but he liked the cold chilling air on his burning skin. As if someone threw water on fire. He tried to steady his breathing and heartbeat. The jug on the nightstand was empty so he stand to grab water from the kitchen. Everything was so blurry when he stood on his foots and suddenly felt dizzy. His legs were wobbly and he sat on bed before he could've hit the ground.

This always happens, after every nightmare, his blood pressure would drop so low that he would feel dizzy and headache hit him like a train. He sighed and grabbed his hair in his fingers fist.

"What does this nightmare mean now?" He sighed once he couldn't find the answer of his question and laid back on his bed. His legs were dangling but he didn't care. The only thing he was caring about was that the nightmare was about Yn, again. This was the nth nightmare he had that included her. The first ever nightmare was when they had there first dating anniversary, five months ago. He saw her bleeding in his dream and the next day when he took her out just after the day of their celebration. She fell from the swing bruising her arm and the side of face badly. She was hit exactly where he saw in his dream. However, his dream was just including of her bleeding wrist and face and her teary red eyes. And the scene in front of him were exactly the same as his dream. Her red eyes, bruised bleeding face and wrist. He shook it away at that time thinking it was just coincidence. But the second time he had a dream of her getting bullied by some boys, and this time exactly it happened like his nightmare. When she was coming back home from his office, some boys blocked her way and started touching her and pulling her hair. He sighed recalling all these things, after that, every dream or nightmare that included her came true in any way possible. It wouldn't be the exact scene sometimes but it still would be based on his dreams. Once he had a nightmare of her being lost in some jungle and then suddenly she was running and something was following her, she was badly bruised, skin torn and bleeding. And then she fell, he didn't saw what happened further cuz he woke up. Yn was fine till one week and he finally believed that it were coincidences cuz Yn was completely fine this time. But after one week, when he was on business trip, and Yn was coming back home at night. Some drunk people blocked her way. Her fear got the best of her and she ran in opposite direction, falling many times because of the overwhelming fear that her feet were unsteady, bruising herself in the process, and completely unaware of her surroundings when she came to a halt. She was in a new neighbourhood, completely different surroundings. Nonetheless, she was saved by one of Namjoon friends when he saw her there. But after that Namjoon never left her out of his sight. He would drop her home and pick her too.

He grabbed his phone and check the time. It was 4 am, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep now, but if he didn't he would surely be grumpy tomorrow. He adjusted himself again in his bed and tucked himself till his waist, still burning from the rollercoaster of emotions. He looked at his phone again and stare at the wallpaper that was her picture he took when she was sleeping, a natural pout present on her lips. He smiled at it and went to his gallery to see her more pictures. He really wished, for her to be here next to him. He like it when he wakeup next to her. It was some other kind of feelings, proud—that she belongs to him—lucky—that she loves him back—happy—to see her smiling in her sleep. She was everything to him. He wanted to propose her soon, cuz he don't want to live anymore without her by his side. She was with him yesterday but today she has to go. She has parents, a younger brother, and a beautiful little white fluffy dog, who she cherish as her own child. He know she would be safe at this time, cuz her family is there to take care of her, but he is not sure about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he is not sure of any day unless she is in his arms. Unless he is there for her.

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