Chapter 5

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Curled in her bed, arms wrapped around her legs securely holding it closed to her chest as if it will give her comfort. Tears were falling non stop wetting her bedsheet, but she didn't care at this point. Even if she tried she wouldn't stop crying, her hiccups were loud enough to echo in the silent room. Her room was a mess, pillows were spread on the floor along with her duvet. Vases were broken and flowers were lifelessly thrown. She turned her room into a mess due to the frustration and pain. She wanted to hurt something or herself to lessen the pain she was feeling inside her chest. She was weak, vulnerable and hurt. She hated herself at this point and broke her mirror into pieces too, so that she won't look at it and remind herself how he use to compliment her features. She started loving herself after she met him but now when they're departed she went into that previous life of her again, where she would hurt herself and cry herself to sleep at nights.

It was the third day of their departure, yet the tears in her eyes didn't stopped for a second. Her mother tried to took her out of her room but she wouldn't budge. Her father was away on some business trip and her little dog that she loved so much was also seeking for her attention. But she was not in this world, it was like she was a lifeless body lying on her bed. Her mom would feed her and took her to washroom like a child. Other than this she didn't even took a shower. His memories were killing her, she needed him again in her life.

On the other hand Namjoon was also not less in pain. He had been absent from his office for three days, and his assistant was going crazy from the overload of work and the amount of new clients they lost. But Namjoon wouldn't talk nor leave his room like Yn. He would just stare at her pictures in his room and would cry his heart out after every minute. He knew he hurt her and that was hurting him more than anything. But what would he've done, he wanted to save her from his nightmares, from his weird ability of hurting her through his dreams.

It was the third day and he didn't slept a bit. He was scared of more nightmares, scary and dark nights. He was scared for Yn, for himself, he was scared what if he had some terrible dream again. This thought wouldn't let him sleep. So he was restless, hurt and starved. Unlike Yn he was living alone and there was no one to care for him, to tell him to eat, to sleep. It was just Yn that would call him or visit him to check if he was doing fine, if he was eating and sleeping on time. It was her, but now he was alone. No one was there just his broken heart.


Yn life was still shattered, her pain was still fresh as yesterday. But she promised herself to move on, to remove every memory of him from her life. She wasn't stable but she was not doing that bad. Namjoon was right, no one dies after someone. And just like this she continued with her crumbled life. She didn't wanted to stress her parents so she quickly returned to her schedule. She found a job and a cute little apartment, and finally moved out with her beautiful dog. Her parents weren't happy as she was still recovering but she wanted to be independent and not be a burden anymore.

She heaved a big sigh and made her way to her new office. She was wise and talented, so it was not difficult for her to find jobs. Namjoon never kicked her out but he definitely kicked her out of his life so that was enough for her to search a new job. She was not happy but she was living her life. In these two months, her family tried to set her up with different boys, but her heart belong to someone who couldn't kept it. So she didn't gave it to anyone else too. Her first relation was enough to shatter her heart into pieces, so she always said no to her parents on this matter. Although, she had a tiny bit of hope in her heart that he'll comeback for her. That one day everything will be fine. They'll be fine. But she would shook her head and focused on the negative things and would promise herself to never forgive him. But she knew, she knew very well, he can't be forgiven nor be forgotten.

Namjoon life crumbled down the day he left her. No happiness was there, no smile was there, no excitement was there. His business was also not doing good, it was like his luck was stolen from him. It was his mistake too, he would never focus on work, day and night his mind was elsewhere, it was on Yn. He would wonder if she is doing good, if she had recovered and moved on. He would always think in this span of two months, whether she was hurting or recovering, whether his dreams and nightmares were affecting her or not. Whether she was alive or dead?

He never contacted her nor he saw her after that. He didn't tried too, he was scared if he saw her he wouldn't be able to turn back, he was scared if he saw her his wild nightmare he had months ago will become true. That was the only dream that didn't happened till yet, so he was nervous if he saw her what if those disappointed and hurt eyes accuse him, make him unable to breath or catch her like in his nightmare. He was too coward to hear those words from her, that she whispered to him in that nightmare
"You hurt me" he know he'll die at that moment if he saw her hurt and filled with pain.

He clutched his heart when a sudden wave of pain crushed him making him unable to breath. The paperwork from his hands fell, and his assistant rushed toward him. That was the only thing he saw before the darkness overwhelmed him.

She was best for him so was he but they didn't realised it until they were broken apart, until they were heart broken.

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