[[ch. 7]] Running from the insanity

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(A/N) Yeah... I know I didn't add anything in like... forever and a half. (Well, not really, just like... week? well, nevermind) And I don't want you to listen to how hard the school is and how I don't have any inspiration etc., etc... Not saying it wouldn't be the thruth .
Also I am sorry for it being a shorter chapter, but I wanted to write you something after longer time, and was in kinde... rush and I had to think quickly about how to put there some stuff that must be there to actually make it a story and not just description of how the ghosts torture the Smosh games crew. 
But anyway, here it is. So... enjoy <3

Sohinki's P.O.V.

We've been walking basically back and forth throught the school, and didn't find anything, but more corpses. And unfortunatelly, none of our friends.

Or I at least hope that we didn't. Some of the corpses were in a state, that you wouldn't even realize they were people. It was truly terrible.

 When I thought we were hopelessly stuck in here with no useful information to find, I've noticed a piece of paper lying in the corner. It seemed to be torn out of the same notebook we found before and the handwriting was the same as well.  

The girl was talking about some exams and going to school after long time. But then, there was part that really surprised us. Especially sentence:'Seems while I was gone, Kibiki came here to Heavenly Host without me'. 'Came here'? Like... on purpose? Why would anyone ever want to go here?

 'I did give him all the details on how to return home from here, and it's a fairly simple process'.  There is a way out! Unfortunately, it wasn't explained on the paper. 

Nothing else seemed to be interesting for us and our trying to find a way out. We put the notes into the notebook where it belonged and countinued, hoping for finding something. Or someone.


After longer while, we actually did find something.

We found another ladder, leading down. Beneath the school, beneath the ground.

There was a underground tunnel system underneath the school! And it didn't look any better than what we found so far. Corpse were here too.

And there was one that was more disturbing than the rest. There were liters of long time dryed blood and just small pieces of rotten meat. One couldn't tell wether it was a male or female, how old it was or if it was a person at all. I mean, it could have been easily just some animal from the forest. 

But the look of it wasn't the only thing giving us wierd feels. The atmosphere around it... it didn't feel right.

And I know guys felt it too. Or at least lasecorn. And he reacted really strongly; He fell on his knees with his hands on his head, screaming. He looked like he was in terrible pain, but... why?

"David! Are you alright? What happened?" Joven asked.

"I... I don't know, but... we have to get away from this!", he replied pointing at the dry blood. 

"Sure, I don't want to stay here anyway. But... how does it hurt you?" 

"I wish I knew... I don't get it. It just feels... bad. Like...."

"Like what?"

"Nevermind. It's not important."

After this, everything fell into an unconfortable silence.


Lasecorn's P.O.V.

When we first saw the huge bloody stain on the wall and the floor, I thought it wasn't anything special comparing to what we've seen so far. Yeah, I admit, it was slightly worse, but there was this mushed meat and brownish red liquid in the buckets upstairs too. 

But when we stood there for a short while, I felt... wierd. I got a terrible headache and also pain in my stomach. I couldn't hold onto my legs, my knees failed me, and I fell right on them. My ears were ringing and my vision blurring. I thought I was going crazy. I couldn't hold the scream in. 

I can't tell what was causing me the pain, but it was unbearable. I don't know why did this place feel so much worse than all the other places. But it felt, lie it should be somehow more important to us. And it made me really worried.

Guys gathered around me, trying to help me. 

"David! Are you alright? What happened?", I've heard Joven saying.

"I... I don't know, but... we have to get away from this!", I pointed on the stain.

"Sure, I don't want to stay here anyway. But... how does it hurt you?" 

"I wish I knew... I don't get it. It just feels... bad. Like", if it was our friend.

"Like what?"

God, I can't tell them this! They would be terryfied as hell! It's just a feeling, I am sure it's not real.

Pretty sure...

"Nevermind. It's not important." It's better like this. For everyone.

After this, we just stayed quiet.


I kept worrying because of that bloody stain. The two sides of me were fighting inside of my brain.

What if I was right? What if it actually is one of the guys?
On the other hand, the blood was long time dry and meat was rotten, it must be there for weeks at least...
maybe we're just pawns in the sick and twisted game of spirits.... Maybe even the notes weren't true, and there's no way out. It could have been just an evil ghost messing with us and giving us fake hope.
No! There must be a way out! We got in, so it's just logical that we get out just that easily!
And what about all the corpses? They couldn't get out, and neither can we.
Hope dies last.
Fake hope... 

And lost in our thoughts we continued our journey.

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