[[ch. 9]] The tape

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(A/N) Okay, I am sorry for not updating for a longer while (again...), but I just didn't feel very well and I didn't even in the last two chapters I posted. I don't  like those chapters as much as the first ones, but the problem is, that I thought for a longer while about those chapters (ever before I even started writing) and I made it look like... something. But those chapters, I was changing my mind about it as I wrote it so I let some really wierd things happen, like what happened to Anthony etc...
Anyway, I hope this chapter will be good again and you'd be able to enjoy it :) well... Enjoy <3

Mari's P.O.V.

 Walking around here was really painful, both physically and mentally. Every step I took felt like walking on nails. I might have been, it was too dark to notice anything. I should have probably keep my shoes on. I have no idea how long I've been stuck in here, but it was long enough for me to feel uncomfortible. I was starving and exhausted and I could use a shower. And my mental health was pretty bad too. 

After another while of walking, I've noticed someone else walking around here. It appeared to be a high school student. She didn't look like any ghost, she didn't have the blue aura, yet she didn't seem alive either. Just like if she was missing the spark in her eyes. She soon noticed I've been looking at her.

"May I help you?", she said in a monotone voice.

"I don't think you could...", I replied sadly.

"Then why are you looking at me this way?"

"It's just... it might sound wierd, but.. are you a ghost?", to my surprise her expression didn't change one bit.

"You are right. I am indeed a ghost. I died here a long time ago. But does it really matter? Everyone here is a ghost, just the luckier ones are still covered with muscles and skin.", she talked in a very interesting way. Familiar way. Wait! I know who talks like this! It must be the author of the web I found the lucky charm at! But... how is this possible?

"Um... your name wouldn't happen to be Naho Saenoki, would it?"

"It is"

Oh god! "How did you get here?"

"The same way as you. Because of the 'Sachiko ever after' charm."

"So... you messed it up to?"

"Not exactly. I came here in a search for someone."

"'Came here'? On purpose? Why would you do that?"

"I told you. I am searching for someone dear to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to keep on going."

"Wait! If you got here on purpose, does it mean you know a way out, too?"

"That's not your concern.", and with these words, she came out of my sight in the black corridors.

What does she mean not my concern?! Why didn't she tell me?


I was carrying the little tape around hoping for finding a way to play it. Who knows, it might be important. And I actually did. In the other wing of the school, there was a small dark room and that room had a TV in it. And on the TV was a camera, which seemed to be attached to it. I tried to put the tape in the camera to play it, and to my luck, it worked. The TV made some rattling sound at first, but then the 'movie' came up.

On the footage, there were two guys. They were recording it to get 'the recognition the deserve'. It's pretty sick. Thy went to that awful place for fame. Geez. But with each minute the one who recorded it was panicing more and more. At first, he found the place 'cool' but in the end, he was just freaking out. I don't think it was his idea to go there. Also, they were talking about going there without the 'Naho girl'. Is it the same Naho I talked to not long ago? Why is she here then? Is one of those guys the 'dear person' she was serching for? Man, this sure is complicated.
And at one part of the video, my heart almost stopped. I almost got to know the way out! The one not recording was just about to say it, but that was the second the other guy freaked out the most. He claimed to hear children's voices. It's creepy. 

And for what they said in the end, it made me feel that it's not the only tape. I have to find the other ones!

(A/N) I'm so, so sorry for it being a very short chapter. The next one will hopefully be better.

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