Chapter 28

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"Terrorists!" A voice yelled as the classroom door slammed and someone's footsteps could be heard beating a hasty retreat down the hallway. We all looked at each other in shock. Salim immediately jumped up at full speed and ran for the door, but he was too late.There was no one in sight. He and Ibrahim checked the hallways and looked out of windows to see if they could spot anyone emerging from the building in haste. They came back to the room empty handed.

"Oh my God! Are you hurt?" I couldn't believe this was happening. Samira's face turned beet red.

"And that's why I don't cover!" Samira yelled in outrage. I helped her to her feet and she clawed at the chador enclosing her body. She ripped the black dress from over her head in anger and shoved it violently into her book bag. "It may be a beacon for you, Malika, but it's a target on my back." Samira growled before stomping out of the room leaving the three of us staring behind her.

I had always been taught that hijab was a protection. Ok, so a few crazies out there would know I was Muslim and might try to harm me. True. But it was more often that others recognized I was Muslim and looked out for me. A waitress might inform me that there was bacon in the beans I ordered. Once, as I came out of Wells Fargo bank with Umi, two ladies approached us and asked if we could pray for them. I had never actually been attacked for being visibly Muslim. What if it was me? What if someone threw that can at me? Would it prove Samira's point? Maybe it was better just to blend in with everyone else?

Salim opened and closed his fists in frustration. "This can not happen on our campus!" he yelled furiously. "Let's go!" He ordered. Ibrahim and I obediently followed him out of the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked Ibrahim in a whisper. Salim was so worked up, I didn't want to ask him anything. We were practically running to keep up with him. Ibrahim shrugged his shoulders and hustled along behind Salim.

Randomly, a thought of Hakeem popped into my mind. What would he have done if this happened? With his high water pants and spoken word vibe, he was probably one of those "turn the other cheek" kind of people. Would he be able to defend anyone? I definitely didn't see him as a figure of strength. He was just too shy and I couldn't see myself marrying someone who was just as shy as me. Which one of us would speak up during an emergency?

Salim stopped in front of the administration building and pulled the glass doors open. It was quiet inside, but Salim entered with determination and strode right up to the receptionist. Before the little old lady behind the desk could say hello, Salim declared in a loud voice, "I need to report a hate crime."

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