Chapter 51

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There were lots of people in the student lounge, so I scanned the room, people watching. Everybody seemed so preoccupied, mostly with their phones. As my gaze swooped towards the main entrance, the door opened and a tall milk chocolate dream walked in. He instantly looked in my direction and caught me staring at him. I quickly looked away.


My stomach started doing the usual flip flops. I'd been avoiding him since that first encounter when he began helping us set up the MSA. I didn't want to be around him. Just the sight of him made me lose my composure. Any boy who could do that was nothing but trouble.

I straighten out the pamphlets and brochures on our info table, spreading them out in a rainbow configuration. I was breathing fast. Maybe Brandon would just go away. I snuck a look up and Brandon was making a bee line directly to my table. My hands were shaking. I had to think quickly.

Get out of here! Get out of here! The words ran through my mind at hyperspeed. My body wasn't moving, but my brain was running at full throttle. I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair.

Suddenly, Brandon stopped in his tracks. The SGA president, Monique, had called out his name from her office. He changed directions and headed to see what she wanted. With his back to my table, I jumped up from my chair with a quickness and ran off to the bathroom. I could hide out in there until I felt like Brandon had gone away. I didn't want to leave the table unmanned, but I knew that Samira would be back at any moment. She could intercept Brandon since she apparently had no fear of melting in his presence.

"You had to get away. Simple as that." I paced back and forth in the bathroom, talking out loud, trying to calm my nerves. I stopped and turned to face the row of sinks. "This boy is trying to distract you with his good looks. You can not let him get to you." I stared in the mirror and grasped the sink basin tightly with both hands.

"Get thee away devil." I said sternly, staring at my own reflection. Just then a bathroom stall opened behind me and a woman stepped out, wide eyed. Our eyes met in the mirror above the sink. She didn't say a word as she washed her hands in the furthest sink away from me and then slid her way out of the restroom.

When I finally emerged from the bathroom, I took a quick look around and then tiptoed to the side entrance of the student lounge. I peeked through the door before pushing it wide open and stepping through the threshold. Letting out the breath I was holding, I sighed in relief. Brandon was nowhere in sight. Monique had probably been talking to him about the meeting for the canned food drive and a pep rally planning session for the first football game of the season. Members from the MSA were also participating, so I'd have to see Brandon sooner or later. If only I could figure out how to keep my composure around him. So for me, later was the better option.

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