Chapter 46

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The conversation was light as we headed to the restaurant. The colorful GPS map displayed on the center console of the car, directed us exactly where to turn.

"I'm starving," Sister Eugenia said, smiling at me as we entered the restaurant.

"Me too." I confessed, stepping ahead to open the door for her. 

"Thank you, dear." Sister Eugenia said in appreciation. We chose a seat in the front of the bright and colorful restaurant. The smell in here was amazing. It reminded me of biscuits and honey. We had to step up into the booth, but the cushions were very plush, so we sank right into our seats. The front window of the restaurant stretched clear across the entire facade. It gave us a perfect view of the immaculate garden across the street and the pedestrians striding past.

"The food here is amazing." Sister Eugenia revealed. "And none of it is real meat."

"Oh," was all I could say. I liked meat. As long as it was a halal restaurant, I would order whatever meat was on the menu. Vegetarian was definitely not my style. I hoped when Sister Eugenia said 'amazing' what she meant was delicious. "What's this?" I pointed to an item on the menu called 'nautical bacon.'

"It's these absolutely delicious strips of salmon seasoned to taste just like bacon." Sister Eugenia made it sound delightful. Everything sounded exotic.


"Order whatever you want. You won't be disappointed."

A waiter came over to take our order. Since it was my first time, he patiently explained all of the different menu options and suggested the strawberry lemonade to accompany our meals.

"Good choice," Sister Eugenia approved my order before making her own.

The restaurant itself was boldly colorful, airy, and full of sunshine. The walls looked like artists had painted their masterpieces directly on the walls. But the garden across the street with its lush greenery kept pulling my gaze.

"Do you garden?" Sister Eugenia asked me after observing my interest across the road.

"Just a little."

All the plants on the front porch were under my care as well as a small plot in our backyard that Abu had cleared out for me to grow vegetables. It was in my garden where I did most of my thinking. When I couldn't think of the right words to say, I talked to my plants. They always gave me good advice.

"Maybe you could help me out. All my plants seem to want to be released from this worldly life." Sister Eugenia smiled warmly.

I couldn't help grinning. "You're a plant killer?" I joked before I realized what I was saying and to whom. I sucked in a sharp breath and hoped Hakeem's mom wasn't offended. "I'm sorry." I quickly apologized.

"Don't worry child." Sister Eugenia tsk'd. "You don't need to apologize."

Just then our drinks arrived. The waiter placed cork coasters beneath our glasses and handed us reusable metal straws.

"Save the turtles!" I said to him and he gave me a thumbs up.

"It's true though, I am a plant killer." Sister Eugenia confessed laughingly." She took a sip of her drink. "Mmm. This lemonade is so good." She paused to savor the flavor. "I don't have a green thumb on my body. Just brown." I felt right at ease. She was much like Hakeem in that way, quick to smile and slow to take offense.

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