Authors Note

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Wow! Lemme just say, thank you for sticking around this long. I know updates have been slow the past year, and I greatly appreciate everyone's patience, support, and excitement for the story.
I plan on writing a final book for this series, but I'm still unsure when the book will be published. I want to make sure the plot is solid before I begin. Please leave any comments or questions about this book or the next and I'd be happy to address them. Again, thank you all for being amazing people. You all are beautiful little stars. 🌟

Book IV Q&A:

1. Will the next plot follow the plot of Dark Phoenix?
No, not entirely. It won't mirror as much as this book did, but it will definitely overlap with plot points in the next movie. It will follow the same time frame as Dark Phoenix, but focus on an independent plot.

2. Okay, what about Peter's "Dad/Son" moment with Magneto we never got?
This is one of my biggest complaints and disappointments of Dark Phoenix—dropping Quicksilver's character plot entirely. Best believe I will be addressing this/writing scenes around this theme in the next book.

3. A change in verb tense?
You may not have noticed or not cared, but the Epilogue was written in present tense, while the rest of this book and all other books use past tense. The next book will be written in present tense as a change of personal preference.

4. What are some major themes of the next book?
Obviously, the book will be focused a lot on family. New and old. Both of our protagonists (Peter and Firefly) will be wrestling with conflicts surrounding their fathers and their family history.
The second big one is moral ambiguity—not always knowing what the right and just solution is to some problems that come up. The next book will touch on imperfections and tough choices, and ethically gray areas as Dark Phoenix does.

Please comment with any more questions I can answer! Thank you all again for everything! <3

-thecatgurl =^._.^=

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