↠ p.jm

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That little sly werewolf was the one who took your heart. Were you complaining? Yes, since he was indirectly making you an entire mess as you figured out what to say to him. You were infidelity not boosting up his ego. 

Agh, you'll just deal with him right now.

There were a couple of places of where he could be. You went out of your room and made way to his. Politely, you knocked the door and patiently waited for him to answer. A minute went by with no answer. Should you just go in? Well, you've been on the internet so hopefully he won't be doing anything too weird.

"Jimin? I'm coming in." You announced yourself and slowly opened the door. It creaked a bit as it did and you peeked around the door. After all that work, Jimin wasn't even in here. You frowned in disappointment at the empty bed. You let out a sigh and thought that maybe he was downstairs? 

And so you headed downstairs and to your surprise it was just Hoseok there. You could only tell since he was humming loudly and grabbing something in the kitchen. So, where was the werewolf? You tried sneaking towards the back door but Hoseok must have heard you. "Y/N!" He happily called out and you froze.

"Um, hi?" You answered as he skipped his way over with his bowl of cereal. 

"Did you want to do something today?" He asked. "We could go to the mall or maybe around town..." He trailed off, thinking about different activities. The male took a spoonful of cereal and chewed.

"Sorry Hobi, I was going to hang out with Jimin today." You said truthfully. You couldn't dare to hurt his precious soul.

Hoseok stopped for a moment, his eyes flickering across your face. A small smile formed on his face. "You choose Jimin as your mate, huh?" Before you could try and defend yourself, he beat you to it. "It's okay, Y/N. We knew the day would come. Just remember if he doesn't treat you right, I'm here."

"Thank you Hoseok." You smiled at him to which he returned one with his usual bubbly self. You turned to go before he made you pause once more.

"Oh, he might be at that little meadow he likes." With a nod, you set off as Hoseok watched you walk away. "I better tell them." He muttered to himself, already feeling a little heartbroken. He simply left the room.

Jimin was right when he said that you may have slipped when climbing this steep hill. But you were almost there! You had to take a small break since you almost misplaced your foot and tumbled down the hill. You would hate to start over now. And you continued on your trek to the top. Minus the occasional break here and there.

Gratefully, you blessed the stable and even ground once you overcame the steep hill. Your ankles screamed in protest from the hard climb along with your thighs. You huffed a sigh of relief and at last your eyes settled on Jimin who was casually laying on the ground.

Here you were all out of breath and most likely a mess and there he was all perfect. It was really unfair.

You started walking to him and you weren't even 10 feet near him when he quickly sat up. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Ah just wanted to talk to you." You answered half honestly. Can't burst out the confession at the gate.

Jimin just nodded unsurely as you came over to him. Then you took a seat right next to him. It was quiet for a whole thirty seconds before Jimin interrupted.

"What did you want to talk about?" His voice turned more into a whisper and he didn't dare to take a glance at you.

"Well..." You started off. How do say things like this? It was difficult.

The werewolf next to you let out a laugh. Except there was no happiness in it. No emotion. "I'm not your mate am I?"

"What? No!" You just immediately grabbed his shoulder and forced to look at you. His blinked his wide eyes at your sudden outburst. "I'm choosing you as my mate!" You confessed and sat through the silence.

"I knew it!" He boasted after a whole minute.

"Huh?" You were dumbstruck. Moments before he was just... What duality.

"I mean, you couldn't resist me, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows, definitely referencing that one time in his bedroom.

You simply glared at him. "Why are you like this?"

A goofy smile appeared on his face and you knew something was up. "Because of you!"

You playfully rolled your eyes at his cheesy remark. Then you were brought into a hug. "So that means you really like me right?" He asked.

"Of course I do Jimin." You replied.

"You know what this means right?" He asked another question to which you shook your head. You had no idea what he was implying. "Well, I just have to mark you. It's a werewolf tradition."

"And what does that mean?" You hesitantly asked but you had a feeling you knew what that meant.

Jimin pulled back away. "I'll just do it quickly okay?" As he spoke, you could see his canines were abnormally long now...

You just nodded, still confused as Jimin leaned forward. His lips slightly brushed against your skin. He placed a quick kiss and then you felt something pierce your skin. You let out a noise of surprise and Jimin quickly licked the wound and pulled away. "See? I told you I would be quick!" He said as that made the pain lessen.

"Hm, maybe." You said and winced as you barely touched the mark. 

Jimin sheepishly smiled. "But I'm still glad you chose me." He smiled and pecked the tip of your nose.

"Aye, you're too cute." You just smiled at him to which he pouted at. 

"I'm not just cute." He blushed but none less, he was the happiest person in the world.

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