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"Anyways, I'm Kim Jiwoo." The beautiful female's eyes glanced towards Yuto, somewhat still suspicious. "And that guy," She pointed to Seokjin. "Is my idiot boss."

"I will tell my brother about this abuse!" Jin narrowed his eyes at the female.

Wait. Brother? You casted a glance at Seokjin and then flickered your gaze between them, now noticing the slight differences they shared. Same lips and eye shape...

"It's not abuse when it's true." Jiwoo replied with a mischievous smirk.

"Yes it is!" Jin argued once more, whining slightly more. Then he stopped and huffed a sigh. "Guys, this is my niece who should be working downstairs." He threw her a small glare.

She, in return, shrugged a shoulder. "Smelled a vampire and I was ready to kill." Her eyes went over to Yuto immediately.

"Your dad said you were not fight any vampires unless he was here." Jin crossed his arms to try and come off as an authority figure.

"I'm literally seventeen!" Jiwoo shot back at him. "Is this your pack?" She now questioned.

Jin only nodded as she changed the subject once more. "Yes and don't you dare say anything embarrassing."

"Why?" She innocently smiled. "Would I ruin your Beta status?"

"Of course!" He huffed. "Now shoo!" He waved his hands. "We have some business to discuss." Jiwoo rolled her eyes and turned around to go back the way she came. Now that she was gone, Namjoon turned to you.

"Okay, so we thought that this was the best place to protect you. It's on the outskirts and we're sure that they won't come near here since there's so many werewolves." He explained and it was starting to make sense now.

You nodded and asked; "What time will you guys be leaving?"

This time, Jimin answered. "We think around seven or eight."

"I'm just worried that she'll be here by herself..." Taehyung mumbled but everyone heard it. Even the female who returned to ask Jin where the hell was the delivery truck at. "I can watch her!" She chirped, obviously excited to have some kind of role that she can prove she was strong enough.

Everyone turned to her and Seokjin narrowed his eyes at her. "Nope! Your dad will kill me if I let you do that!"

Jiwoo narrowed her own eyes at him. "I can do it! Dad won't ever know!"

"Yes he will! Don't you remember how he found out the gift I got him for Christmas even though it was like three months before?!" Jin dramatically huffed.

Everyone let the two family members bicker it out and returned to the discussion. "I'm not sure who should stay, we need all the help we can get..." Namjoon pursed his lips, thinking about it.

"I can stay here by myself." You said which made everyone shake their heads. You rolled your eyes and then were almost knocked completely off balance when an unknown figure shook your arm estacically.

"Nope! I'll be watching you!" Jiwoo excitedly exclaimed and you were now confused. Seokjin had an annoyed look on his face while the female started to explain rapidly. "I just texted Dad and he gave me approval. Even though he'll be here later downstairs..." She mumbled the last part. "Anyways, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Yoon Y/N." You smiled at the female and you could tell she was holding in her breath from Yuto's scent.

"So you're not my uncle's mate?" She innocently questioned and that sent growls from everyone.

Jungkook - who was the closest to you - let out a laugh. "Nope, she's mine."

"Jungkook, no. She's my mate." Hoseok snapped from the other side of the room and that even argued more points from everyone.

Jiwoo frowned. "Then are you the vampire's mate?"

"No she's not!" Everyone actually agreed for once.

"Then what the fuck-" Jiwoo started with a confused expression before Seokjin interrupted with a scolding. "No cussing!"

She rolled her eyes as Namjoon began gathering everyone to talk about tomorrow. Jiwoo took the hint and grabbed your hand. "Let's go eat something!" She said and dragged you off to downstairs. You let her since you still haven't eaten anything yet. And so you left the werewolves to discuss what was happening.

"Where are they?" Namjoon asked Yuto as Seokjin pulled a map from his desk to lay on it. It was a map of the surrounding forest, marking locations of hiking trails and homes.

Yuto's red eyes glance at the map and they trailed to the north of one of the hiking trails. "Here." He pointed at an unmarked area. "It's a medium sized house."

Namjoon got to work, thinking of the possible plans that could work. Yoongi piped up with a suggestion. "Should we let him go back? Like have him attack from the inside?" He caught the Alpha's attention who nodded at that. His eyes were studying the ridges along the map, indicating small hills or the bases of mountains. They trailed over until it came to a flat piece of land.

Jimin was busy studying the Alpha and how his eyes seem to lit up with a plan. His own eyes looked over the map, finally noticing where Namjoon was looking at. He was sure that the Alpha would send him...

"Jimin?" Namjoon asked, his attention focused on the piece in front of him. "I need you to do something for me."

"Of course, Alpha" Jimin responded with enthusiasm.

The Alpha pointed at the area he was looking at. "Scope out this place right now."

Jimin obeyed his order and was about to walk down the stairs when the Alpha stopped once him more. "Oh and take Jungkook with you." The male slightly pouted as the youngest werewolf drug himself over to him.

"Ready, Kookie?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shrugged a shoulder. "I guess. I want this to be over." And with those last words, the duo hurried down the steps and rushed outside to complete the order as fast as they could.

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